Isaiah 41:1-20 Fear Not

God tells His people that they are SAFE in His hands. This does NOT mean nothing bad ever happens, but that we can trust God to carry us through ALL times.
I have to tell you right now that my mind is NOT focusing as well as I would like it to. So, if I get off on too many ‘rabbit trails’ you will understand. There is a whole story as to why but it would take too long to get into. Suffice it to say, I’m struggling today.
This is a GOOD section for me to be on today. How many of us have let fear grab hold of our lives and haven’t said “ENOUGH!” soon enough? I will admit to being in this boat. I’ve had times where I go chasing after answers or ways around a situation because of fear. Times when I try and ‘help God.”
News flash! He doesn’t need my help. He is capable of working out all our troubles. I am not called to always sit back and let things happen, but neither am I to push past what He sets in my path. I am to exercise patience and trust Him to bring about what it BEST for my life. NO MATTER HOW LONG IT TAKES!
God was promising Judah a return to their lands AFTER their judgment. He wasn’t promising them a way around it. His BEST promise was that they would wake someday at the end of the ordeal to come. God couldn’t relent in His punishment for their sins. They would have learned nothing if He had thrown up His hands and said “whatever” or even accepted a half repentance. There was growth that was needed. He would, however, walk through the storms with them every day. And there is VICTORY on the other side of the battle.
I have a feeling that this prophecy is one of the ‘now and later’ variety. A portion of it has already happened. Cyrus of Persia gave Judah a partial victory. He agreed to send them back to their own land. Not everyone returned, but enough did that the neighbors would become angry. God protected the returnees, even from the enemies all around them who didn’t want to see them rebuild.
God also has a final time of trampling the nations underfoot who are against Him. It happens when Jesus comes riding down from Heaven. He puts ALL to the sword who oppose Him or were affiliated with the beast. There could be one more time, but I don’t have enough information to make that call. I’m speaking of the FINAL battle with Satan, AFTER he is released from his pit and chains.
Bottom line is, NO MATTER WHAT the enemy tries to throw at you, when you have God on your side, there is NOTHING this world can do to you that will separate you from God. Even death can’t separate us from God!
I wonder if this is one of the promises the Jews held onto while in the prison camps. After their release, God put it into the hearts of men to return the “Promised Land” to them also. An unprecedented move on a scale not seen since moving the Native Americans off their lands. They certainly NEEDED a promise to cling to during those extremely dark days!
Father God, thank You that there is NOTHING ANYONE can do to separate me from Your love. You have given me a SURE hope that man cannot touch, no matter how hard he tries. I will NOT be afraid of what tomorrow may bring because I know who controls tomorrow. Help me hold fast Father when fear tries to creep in again. It has NO place in my life, other than moving me out of harm’s way in physical danger situations.