Psalm 86:1-17 Hear My Prayer

David is pleading with the Lord for relief. “Hear my prayer O Lord.” He first professes his need for God to move in his heart before asking for help with others.
David is in need of personal peace first. He comes humbly to God when seeking it. He doesn’t come bragging about his exploits or fame. He comes with a right attitude. “I am poor and needy” (verse 1b). His next statement about himself doesn’t exactly sound humble; “for I am godly” but he is NOT saying he is perfect. He is saying that his heart searches after God and when he falls he knows where to go with that failure. “For You, O Lord, are good and forgiving, abounding in steadfast love to all who call upon You” (verse 5).
Next, David tells God ‘why’ he turns to Him. “There is NONE like You among the gods, O Lord, nor are there any works like Yours” (verse 8; emphasis added). God has proven Himself faithful in David’s life and in ALL the stories he has learned from the past. NEVER has there been any god ever spoken of in ALL the world that has done the things David’s God has. God has done miracles on a grand scale, all the way down to personal interventions in one single man’s life. There is nothing beyond His reach or beneath His notice. THAT’S the God David serves; and me too! That’s the God David is calling out to for help.
So what help is David seeking from God? First is the personal requests he is making for his own heart: preserve my life, hear my cry, gladden my soul, teach me Your ways, give me reverence for Your name, and protect my soul from death. Then David turns to outward requests; those dealing with his interactions with man: protect my life from “ruthless men” and put to shame those who are after me.
Proof of this last part is partially accomplished by personal intervention again. David KNOWS that he is not perfect and deserves God’s intervention no more than any other man but he has seen it in his life and is requesting more, along with signs assuring him that God is indeed on his side. “Turn to me and be gracious to me; give Your strength to Your servant, and save the son of Your maidservant. Show me a sign of Your favor that those who hate me may see and be put to shame because YOU, Lord, have helped me and comforted me” (verses 16-17; emphasis added).
God strengthened David’s hand in battle SO many times! From the times in the fields with the sheep, to Goliath, to the battle of Ziklag and beyond. He showed David His favor and proved to David His steadfast love. David turns to God his whole life because of God’s faithfulness. David has learned well where to run in times of trouble. And where to rest in times of peace.
I know the same place to go when I encounter trouble. He cares for me just as surely as He cared for David. I can put my trust in Him. I trust Him not only to ‘protect’ me but to grow me in Him in every way. To teach me of His word. To show me what I need to change in my life. And to help me find places of rest when I’m weary.
Father God, I want a heart like David’s; a heart after Your own. I want to see myself through Your eyes. A child in need of her Father. To know the truth of my frailty but also KNOW that I have a Father who loves me enough to carry me past those parts. One who is always dependent on You. Unto You O Lord do I lift up my soul; and ONLY You!