Psalm 82:1-8 Give Justice

God is again speaking through Asaph’s psalms. He is telling them to stop showing partiality to the wicked and to give justice to those who need it most.
The first verse of this psalm grabbed my attention when it says that “God has taken His place in the divine council; in the midst of the gods He holds judgment:” (verse 1). My FIRST question is what “gods” is He talking about? There are no other gods. They are all works of man’s hands. But then He shows us! “I said, ‘You are gods, sons of the Most High, all of you” (verse 6).
In the New Testament we are called heirs with Christ because God has adopted us as His sons and daughters. I didn’t know that the Old Testament spoke of this relationship too. I knew that Israel was God’s chosen people, His children, but never before had I seen Him call them “gods.”
That is an AMAZING position to be in! One that brings with it all the rights AND responsibilities of “gods.” The responsibility to be exercised in this psalm is right judgment. Justice for the most vulnerable in society. The ones who have no one to stand for them.
Apparently the sons of God had been neglecting this duty. God knew they would have shortcomings. They are, after all, only men. “Nevertheless, like men you shall die, and fall like any prince” (verse 7). So the imperfect call upon the Perfect to do the job. “Arise, O God, judge the earth; for You hsall inherit all the nations!” (verse 8).
I’m wondering if the psalmist is referring to Jesus, God’s only begotten Son at this point; the Messiah. The reason I ask this is that Jesus is the one who will rule the nations one day. He will be King of ALL the earth. God has promised this role to Him. And in that capacity, we can be CERTAIN that He will rule with justice.
Will there be any “poor”, “weak”, “needy” or “fatherless” during His reign? Will these be the ones that side with Satan when he is let loose again? I imagine they will be that way of their own making because they will have free access to Jesus. There is free access to Jesus today for anyone who will seek Him. I wonder how access will be established during His millennial reign. Will He still be a “Servant King” who walks among His people or will He reside in one place and the people come to Him? Will there be ‘hoops to jump through’ to see Him? Maybe I should ask Him to take me before the rapture so we can have a bit of time together before Heaven gets really busy. I still want that “bench time” with Him where we can sit and talk about all the questions that have spawned from God’s word. I wonder if He will introduce me to the ‘saints of old’ who can tell me their stories first hand.
One thing I KNOW will NEVER change and that is His love for me! No matter where I am, what I’m doing, how ‘busy’ He is, or how many other people are clamoring for His attention, I am ALWAYS in His heart. I may have to wait a bit for various reasons, but I will NEVER be forgotten. I have been forgotten a few times in my life and I seem to have developed a fear of it happening again. As I stood waiting in the bridal room on my wedding day that was my biggest fear. Not what lay ahead for me as a wife but that my dad would somehow forget to come get me and walk me down the aisle. Looking back I KNOW that was such an irrational fear but, at the time, it is what consumed my thoughts. The absurdity of it still makes me laugh today.
That’s how absurd it is to think that Jesus would somehow get too busy to be with each of His ‘brothers and sisters’. I know He is with me now and there are TRILLIONS of others He is with even now. But that is in Spirit. How will it look when it is in ‘person’? I guess that’s another bench question right there.
However it all works during the millennial rule of Jesus, we KNOW it will be perfect. We DON’T have perfection now! The poor, needy, weak, and fatherless are still falling between the cracks and being exploited. But God looks out for them, especially those who are His children. He NEVER forgets His children.
Father God, thank You that You NEVER forget me. You didn’t forget me when I was a child. You walked with me during my darkest hours. And You walk with me EVERY day of my life. You have provided justice for me when man denied it. You have given me favor beyond my expectations. And more than ANYTHING else, You have loved me unconditionally! I still don’t know why but I’m FOREVER grateful for Your love!!! I’m looking forward to seeing You face to face and falling into Your embrace. (Is it allowed to hug You in Heaven? I sure hope so!)