Psalm 72:1-20 King Qualities

This psalm is a final prayer of David for all those who follow him in ruling Israel. This includes our FINAL King, Jesus. May He do all this and more!
When I first read through this psalm I was confused by the language. I had trouble understanding who the author was saying “May he…” about. The qualities of this king speak of more than a man’s abilities. They speak of God’s. But there are sections where the writer is clearly speaking of a person on the earth.
My bible helps, once again, came to my rescue. I am told in those helps that this prayer if for ALL David’s descendants who will reign. As many generations of kings who followed David, NONE could be said to have fulfilled this prayer; so far. So the ultimate answer to “who is being spoken of” is Jesus.
Jesus certainly is able to fulfill ALL the qualities of a good king outlined here. He has already started fulfilling MANY of them. He is God’s righteous royal Son, and David’s too. “He delivers the needy when he calls, the poor and him who has on helper. He has pity on the weak and the needy, and saves the lives of the needy. From oppression and violence He redeems their life, and precious is their blood in His sight” (verses 12-14).
We are still waiting on the time when He rules ALL the earth and ALL the inhabitants bow down before Him. This won’t happen until after Satan is defeated. It is an EXCITING time to look forward to. He is ruler in SO MANY hearts today but there are many more that still resist.
WHY? What will it take to convince them? There is SO MUCH evidence of God’s existence that I don’t see how anyone could conclude otherwise. From the forces at work in keeping the universe in order to the extraordinary complexity of His creations, our world SHOUTS His existence. His stories and the story of His Son have reached every corner of the globe and call out to mankind of His love. Evidence has shown the improvement in people’s lives who follow Jesus’ example. I am NOT talking about “Holy Wars” but the day to day improvement in the hearts and attitudes of those who actually seek to be like Him. Another “proof” is the amount of prophecy that was fulfilled in Jesus’ life. spells this one out pretty well. My final reason is a “what have you got to lose” question. If I am wrong and there is no life after death, then living my life as if there is hurts nothing. But if YOU are wrong about life after death, then you are in for a HELL of an awakening! Without Jesus that’s exactly where you are bound.
All Hail King Jesus! The fulfillment of this psalm. But I don’t think He is all that interested in receiving gold from other kings. His Father owns the cattle on a thousand hillsides. He has no need for man’s money, only his heart. The things man can do with money for His Kingdom He welcomes though.
Father God, I’m looking forward to seeing Jesus rule the earth. Not even one leader from ANYWHERE in the world has ever come near the outlined qualities from this psalm. Man is in it for himself. Even Solomon got off track when he got too interested in his ‘love life’ than in keeping God first and he was supposed to be the wisest man who ever lived.
But I am supposed to honor my leaders and pray for them. Please give them Your wisdom in all they do. (And hurry the corrupt ones out the door and replace them with someone who WILL listen to You.)