Psalm 147:1-20 Close to His Heart

Our psalmist sings of the ways God takes care of His chosen people; those who are close to His heart. Praise is due Him for He cares for ALL His creation.
The psalmist is focusing on Jerusalem, the nation of Israel and what God has done for them. I’m wondering if this psalm was written before or after Israel went into captivity. It feels like post captivity because of verse two; “The Lord builds up Jerusalem; He gathers the outcasts of Israel.”
Jerusalem wasn’t the city where the ‘outcasts’ gathered originally but the city of the kings. It was the place where the people met with God from the time of David onward. It is still considered the Holy City today. And God has promised a New Jerusalem, His Holy City, one day. In that day it will certainly be the place described here. The place where the broken hearted will be healed. A place to gather all the outcasts for they are now God’s children. A place of safety and strength. The place from which Jesus will rule the nations.
I don’t know if Jesus with rule from a restored Jerusalem or if God will send down His New Jerusalem at that time but I KNOW that, with Jesus on the throne, it will be magnificent! It will be the Jerusalem all the psalmists sang about. It is a city that is ALWAYS close to God’s heart, even when her people are far away from His.
I had to check out the issue of snow. I had no idea that Jerusalem got snow. I have never visited Israel and I thought their land was a lot like a desert. I’m certain there are areas that are desert like but there are also lush valleys and fields with rich fertile soil for crops. And, yes, Jerusalem can get snow! According to my research (Google of course), Jerusalem gets heavy snow fall every few years but flurries most years. I’m assuming the heavier snow sticks around for a few days at least. January 27, 2022 brought heavy snow to the region.
Where I live we snow every year but in my town it doesn’t stick around long most years. Where I grew up we had a LOT of snow EVERY year. We said we had four seasons just like everyone else but ours were named, “Almost Winter”, “Winter”, “Still Winter”, and “Construction” to repair the damage from the other three seasons. Truthfully, there are a LOT of other places that have colder weather than my hometown did but we still complained about ours, especially because our neighbors on the other side of the mountain had much better weather (which is where I live now). Snow is very important to where I live. It provides the water reserves that carry us through the warmer seasons. Without good, heavy snow accumulation we run into drought conditions and have water problems in the summer. I’m grateful for the mountains where God stores water for our use.
Thinking about the snow reminds me of His word. He has given us a storehouse full of His truths that we can draw on. He didn’t rain it all down at once so it would be soaked up and disappear. He provided bits at a time until a HUGE accumulation sat waiting for us. In our hearts He ‘melts a little off’ each time we come to drink of His word for our use. His storehouse will never be depleted no matter how often we come to draw. It is fresh every morning and refreshing, especially in times of drought.
Father God, thank You for providing me with Your word. Thank You that I can ALWAYS come to Your storehouse and draw water for my soul. Thank You that, one day, Jesus will sit on the earth and rule the nations. For now, please rule in my heart at all times. Make it beautiful, like Your city will be. Keep me close to Your heart ALWAYS.