Psalm 135:1-21 Strong Call
Our psalmist issues a STRONG call to the people to bless the Lord. Because of their past with the Lord, He can be trusted with their future. “Bless Him for He will bless us.”
“Praise the Lord. I say, Praise The Lord! Why? Because He is good and He is God of all the universe.” This could easily be a paraphrase of this psalm. And it is STILL true today.
The psalmist calls on Israel, the house of Aaron, the house of Levi, and ALL who fear the Lord to praise Him; to bless His name. He reminds them of all that God has done for them. The wonders of creation. The plagues in Egypt. The calling of Abraham to Himself. Even the victories in the land of Canaan should prompt the people to praise His name.
This isn’t just a backwards looking psalm but a forward looking one also. Because God called Israel to Himself and has been so faithful, He can be trusted to save Israel again. It sounds like this psalm was written while Israel was in captivity. “For the Lord will vindicate His people and have compassion on His servants” (verse 14). His people are in dire straits but they refuse to give up hope. God WILL rescue them and bring them back to the place He prepared for them.
ALL the other gods that the people had turned to are worthless. They are worse than worthless; they bring death. By putting your trust in gods made by human hands, you condemn yourself to disaster, defeat, and death. What man made god ever held back the sea or brought the rain? Did any of them give victory over their enemies? NONE had and NONE ever will. They can neither see, speak nor hear. They are inanimate objects, devoid of life.
I’m famous for ‘making things talk’ to me. I personify SO MANY things. The plant on the front porch, my sewing machines, my cars, and the list goes on. When my kids were little they used to ask me to “make Rosy talk.” This was our van and I gave her a voice for the kids. But even I know that these things are not REALLY alive. They don’t REALLY “tell me” their names. And there is NO WAY I would put my future in their hands! No matter how much someone may want to believe that something made of wood, stone, or gold has ANY power in this universe.
The same holds true for those who put their trust in another human being. ALL of us were created. We ALL have a beginning and an end. There are things we have no power over, outside of Jesus’ name. There is only ONE Man who does not owe His life to an earthly father. His name is Jesus. There is only ONE God who is not still in the grave. Again, His name is Jesus. And He sits at the right hand of the Father. ALL praise is due them for all that was, is and will be.
“O house of Israel, bless the Lord! O house of Aaron, bless the Lord! O house of Levi, bless the Lord! You who fear the Lord, bless the Lord!” (verses 19-20). Praise the Lord!!!
Thank You Father for ALL You have done in my life. Thank You for creation itself. YOU are where my hope lies. NO other god will do! I praise Your name today and for every one of my tomorrows.
Thank You for giving me an imagination. I enjoy ‘pretending’. It was fun playing make believe with my children. THANK YOU that they were NOT confused by our games. They knew it was me talking and not the car, but they enjoyed playing along. Thank You for those memories.