Psalm 134:1-3 Blessing Circle

Our psalmist tells of the ‘blessing circle’. When we take time to stop and praise the Lord, bless His name, He in turn blesses us.
Such a simple but profound concept! When we bless Him, He blesses us. He doesn’t bless us ONLY because we bless Him but because He loves us. But even in our everyday lives, how much more willing are we to do good when someone does good to us?
I’m sure you have all heard of the concept “pay it forward.” This is where one person initiates a ‘blessing chain’ by performing an act of kindness. According to the movie, it has to be something a person couldn’t do for themselves. Smaller acts can be just as life changing. Doing something as small as holding a door for someone or paying the bill for the person behind you in line makes a difference. So does standing up for someone when they are being oppressed. Purchasing something vital another is in need of but is unable to obtain speaks volumes. ALL these little or big acts, when done with the right spirit, make a positive impact on both the giver and receiver. These acts set in motion future acts of kindness from those who were the recipients. In short, they change hearts. The smaller acts are known as “random acts of kindness” and they are just as valuable.
God started “paying it forward” a long, LONG time ago. It began with creation. He gave something special and unique without requiring anything in return. He had hopes of a return but He wasn’t demanding something back. He was hoping for love.
His second greatest act of “paying it forward” was when He gave us His Son Jesus. Jesus paid the debt for EVERY sin ever committed. All we have to do is reach out and accept that gift. This time though, He asks for something in return. He asks that we forgive others who have wronged us. Not because they deserve it or because doing so somehow obligates them to serving us. But because we recognize the gift we have been given and want to share that gift with others.
It is impossible to “pay it forward” without looking back at the time you were the recipient of such kindness. You remember the impact of the event and think about the heart of the person who stood in for you. You would thank them again and again if you could. Even the smaller acts can generate this kind of feeling but the big ones certainly do.
We have that opportunity when it comes to God. We can thank Him for ALL He has done for us. We can tell of His works in our lives. We can sing of His love. In these, we bless His name. The more we bless His name, and bless others in His name, the more He wants to bless us. Take time to do both! And watch the difference it makes in your own heart.
Father God, thank You for Your love! Thank You that You gave FIRST. I had nothing to give in return but You STILL gave. I want to be an example of love in return. I want to bless others so they too can learn where all blessings come from. Thank You for using me in this capacity on occasion before. I look forward to being Your hands and feet in the future as I’m certain You have more blessings You want to pour through me. Let me give ALL glory for those acts to YOU alone. See a need and help indeed.