Psalm 132:1-18 A Chosen Place

Our psalmist looks to the promises of God regarding His chosen place. Mt. Zion. The place where God chose for His name. David, His chosen line for salvation.
I want to jump right into the middle of this psalm. “The Lord sword to David a sure oath from which He will not turn back: ‘One of the sons of your body I will set on your throne. If your sons keep my covenant and my testimonies that I shall teach them, their sons also forever shall sit on your throne’” (verses 11-13). God KNEW when He made this promise what would become of David’s physical throne. He knew they would not keep His testimonies forever. He had already seen the ‘roller coaster’ rise and fall of faithfulness of Israel and Judah, even before He spoke these words to David. But He also saw the TRUE King who would occupy that place of honor. He saw Jesus, His Son sitting on the physical throne one day. That day is still on the way!
When Israel was wandering in the desert God promised them that HE would select a place for His name to rest. As the people moved the Tabernacle about, under God’s direction, His presence was always with it. After Joshua and the Israelites subdued the land they brought the Tabernacle to Shiloh and erected it there. We are not told why this place was chosen. Did God speak to Joshua and tell Him this was the place? Did He lead them with the cloud pillar and fire pillar to this place? Or did Joshua choose it because of some specific geographical feature? However this site was chosen, the Tabernacle would remain here for a LONG time. This is the place from which the Ark of the Lord would set out for battle and be lost to the Philistines. Here the Ark and the Tabernacle were parted forever.
We know that the Tabernacle was not in Shiloh during King Saul’s reign. It was in Nob and this is where David went for help when Saul was chasing him. This is in the region of Gibeon which was Saul’s home stomping ground.
David left the Tabernacle where it was but erected a separate tent for the Ark in Jerusalem. The Ark had been taken in battle by the Philistines but they didn’t keep it long. It brought nothing but disaster to them so they sent it back to Israel. It was never reunited with the Tabernacle. It remained in the house of Abinadab for 20 years before David had it brought to Jerusalem. It wasn’t a straight shot to Jerusalem either. There was trouble on the way and it was taken to the home of Obed-Edom where it stayed for three months before making the final leg to the tent David prepared for it.
I don’t know of any place God told David to erect the tent or to bring the Ark to Jerusalem. David’s heart longed to be near his God and this is how he filled that longing. Jerusalem was the city David chose as his own and he offered it to the Lord. Later when David wanted to build a permanent home for the Lord he was told “No” by the Lord.
Solomon would be the one God allowed to build Him a home. Solomon, like his father, chose Jerusalem as the place for God’s Temple. I don’t find anywhere in scripture where God told David or Solomon to build His Temple in Jerusalem but once it was built He chose it as His own and chose to put His name upon it.
I have no doubt that God directed David’s heart in choosing a permanent location for His name to dwell. No one now doubts that Jerusalem is the place God chose for His own but I doubt that the early Israelites would have seen this as the final location. It is interesting to see how God moves in unexpected ways. Yes, He promised Israel that He would choose a place for His name, even before they conquered the land but He didn’t say when or give any clues as to where until the time was right. I wonder how many believed it would be Shiloh. It was for a time but it wasn’t the final place.
Actually, the “final” place where God puts His name is on the hearts of every person who comes to Him. His presence rests there as surely as it did in the Tabernacle or the Temple. We are His Temples. ALL who call on Him can now come to His footstool and worship Him. They don’t even need to travel to reach Him.
Jerusalem is still an important place in God’s plans. Jesus will one day rule from there. But it will not be an exclusive rule that only allows Jews in. It will be a place where ALL people can come to Him and worship at His feet. One day God will even replace the Jerusalem of bricks and mortar with one He created Himself. One made of precious stones and fashioned is splendor that we can’t even imagine. He has not forgotten Jerusalem; the place He chose for His name.
Father God, thank You for choosing me as Your child and Your temple. I have never seen the city You chose as Your own. One day I will see the new city You crafted. I may never see the one made by the hands of man. It has changed so much since You first put Your name there. I pray for the people who live there. I pray for their safety. I pray for peace even in the midst of all the turmoil in this world. I pray You give them Your peace; a peace that is beyond the comprehension of man.
I feel as though I have prattled on today Father. Please don’t let me sow confusion. When looking at Jerusalem today I feel a little more connected to it. Thank You for that. Help me have a right attitude towards the places of the past in Your plan. They are places of the future too. I’m looking forward to seeing what You do next!