Psalm 124:1-8 If Not For God

“If it wasn’t for the help of God…” sings the psalmist. A song that ALL of His children can join in with abandon. If not for God where would I be?
I have SO MANY “If not for God…” stories in my life. I’m certain we ALL do. He works in our lives in so many ways. Our psalmist shares a couple of themes in Israel’s past. The first is in battle and the second is with water.
Israel faced multiple battles that she never should have won. David’s stories alone are filled with them, not the least of which is when he faced Goliath. I started to say “when he faced Goliath alone” but he never did. The Spirit of the Lord stood at his side that day on the battle field. God guided that single stone to the one spot it needed to be to fell Goliath. I don’t doubt He put a little of the umph in David’s throw that propelled it so deep in Goliath’s forehead that it rendered him unconscious. I would also bet that the Holy Spirit also lifted Goliath’s sword with David as he was still a young man and Goliath’s sword was made to fit a giant’s size.
Another of the top battles God gave Israel was the battle of Jericho. In the natural, there was NO WAY Israel could have taken that city. But Israel didn’t have to rely on their own abilities. They trusted in the Lord instead. HE gave them victory. And He continued to give them victory when they were following Him.
The second focus of God’s amazing favor our psalmist chooses to focus on were the water miracles. There were only two nation water examples that fit the ‘flood’ category but those weren’t the only water miracles Israel received. Twice, while on their journey to the Promised Land, God parted bodies of water for the people to walk through on dry land. The first time was a total surprise to everyone. The people were caught between an advancing army and the Red Sea. They expected death at any moment. As far as they knew there was nowhere to go. God didn’t explain to Moses what He was about to do either. He simply told Moses to stretch out his stick. Because Moses obeyed the people saw the hand of the Lord. The second time God parted the water, He told Joshua what He was about to do and Joshua told the people.
Both times required something of the people. It required their obedience. If Moses had stopped to question God instead of acting on instructions the story would probably have been a WHOLE lot different.
“So what’s going to happen when I stretch out the rod?”
“Just do it and you will see.”
“But how is this going to help?”
“Stop asking questions and just trust Me!”
As the debate continues between God and Moses the Egyptian army arrives and that is the end of Israel.
That’s NOT how it happened though. Moses had learned to trust the Lord. When God spoke, Moses immediately obeyed and Israel was saved.
When the children of God were led to the banks of the Jordan by Joshua, they too had learned to trust. The oldest of this second generation probably remembered walking through the Red Sea with their parents. Those that were born in the wilderness no doubt heard the stories. They also had the mana every morning as a daily reminder of the faithfulness of their God. When Joshua said step into the water with the Ark there was no hesitation. I bet there was a feeling of expectation instead.
Either time God could have let them tromp through mud on their way through. He could have even had them swim and protected them from the current. But He didn’t. Instead, He worked a miracle with the water making it stand up in a heap beside the people as they walked through on dry land. They could see the water just waiting to lay down again in its bed. No glass aquarium walls holding it back. God’s hand alone restrained it. I wonder if they could hear the crashing waves and feel the spray on the breeze as they moved through. They had to trust in the Lord for His deliverance of EVERY LAST PERSON through that corridor. What if He released the waters when they were halfway through? What if the worst of them were in the tail end of the procession? Would God even get them through?
Not a single Israelite life was lost in either crossing. God held the water for all of them. In the Red Sea crossing, He held the water until the very last Israelite foot was safely on the other side. The Egyptians were hot on their heels and when God released the water it swept them away. They were in the corridor He created too. During the second crossing, God held the water in place until the stone monument was erected and the last foot of those carrying the Ark was on the other side of the Jordan. Not a single wet sandal, muddy foot, or sopping skirt!
These weren’t the only times God parted the water for His children. God parted the Jordan once for Elijah and once more for Elisha. I don’t know why He didn’t have them go across on a boat or a bridge, but He didn’t. He allowed these two personal miracles. But the miracles weren’t just for the two prophets. They were also for those who stood by watching. These miracles spoke in no uncertain terms of the fact that God was working in both men. There was NO DOUBT remaining as to the power of God working in them after these displays.
The water crossings were not the only water miracles God did on behalf of His children with the element of water. Twice, while the people were in the wilderness, God brought forth water for them to drink from a stone. And again, it took action on His people’s part to receive that miracle. Moses had to follow God’s directions. God didn’t start to fountain flowing until Moses acted. The second time, Moses didn’t follow God’s directions to the letter and he paid the penalty later on but the children of Israel still received the water.
It’s so easy to get caught up in the stories of the BIG miracles but God gives us many more small ones every day. Ones that benefit only one or that are out of want instead of need. Miracles for a child’s heart. I want to share one from my life that showed me how much He loves me and hears my prayers. This simple miracle has stayed with me and helped me grow in faith.
My older sister and I were each given a special doll when we were around 10 and 11. They were the Chrissy and Velvet dolls. These dolls had long hair that could be rolled up in their heads with a wheel on their back or released by a press of a button on their stomachs. We loved these dolls! We loved brushing and styling their hair and playing pretend with them. Each night we put them safely on our dresser.
One morning we awoke and began our routine of getting ready for school. My sister noticed that her doll was missing from its usual spot. We frantically searched our room and all around the house. We couldn’t find her anywhere. Our mother made us give up the search as it was time to go to school. As we walked to school that morning my sister was heartbroken. We had no idea what could have happened to her favorite doll. I had the bright idea to pray and ask God to help us find her.
As soon as we finished praying our simple child’s prayer, something spoke in my spirit and told me to look behind the dresser. I shared this ‘idea’ with my sister and we both promised to do just that as soon as we got home.
I don’t remember anything about that day in school or even the walk home. What I do remember is that when we got home we went right into our room and pulled out our dresser. There she was, just waiting to be retrieved. Chrissy, my sister’s favorite doll. And at that moment I KNEW that God cares about even the little things in our lives.
He didn’t have to answer that prayer. We probably would have figured it out sooner or later. Maybe our mom would have even found her for us if we had asked. But we asked HIM and He answered. He laid in me a foundational truth that I have built upon. He LOVES me and He cares about EVERY aspect of my life. Every time I ask Him for a close parking spot and He provides it, I remember how He cares for me. And when He doesn’t provide the close spot I remember how He also cares about my health and has provided an opportunity for just a little more exercise.
Father God, THANK YOU for ALL the miracles You have brought about in my life; both big and small. Thank You for building faith in me over the years. I have to admit that I still have trouble with believing for some of the bigger things but I’m learning to trust You more every day. I trust You to lead me in this journey of growing faith and I will praise You for every step along the way. If not for You I would already be dead!