Psalm 123:1-4 Humbled

This is the cry of a humbled people. One that is looking to their Lord for relief.
This is a hard concept for me because I have never lived as a slave or in a time of slavery. I know slavery still exists in some places and I pray that God would rescue those trapped in it. The first thoughts that came to my mind when I thought about the two servant types listed here were of violence inflicted by a master on their slaves. History is full of those stories. But then I started thinking about this special kind of slave mentioned here and the relationship between master and servant.
I will not say for a fact that the image I have in my mind is how it was for every maidservant or manservant. My interpretation stems from stories, television, books and hopefully from the Holy Spirit. I pray that I don’t offend anyone with the relationship I see. Slavery is still abhorrent to me and I would NEVER wish this position on ANYONE.
The first thing that occurs to me is that the slave, no matter his/her station, receives ALL he has from the master. The master provides food, clothing, housing, tools, and even companionship for the slave. The slave is full or famished at the will of the master. He is naked or decked out in the best there is to offer according to the master’s desires. The best tools or nothing but bare hands for his work is at the master’s discretion. The master often picked and provided the spouse from among his other servants. This was the life of all the servants. But the master chose special servants for the household.
Not just any servant would do for the family. The position of maidservant and manservant were the most intimate of servant relationships. The one chosen to fill this position would hold all the master’s secrets. They would see them at their worst and help them become their best. No task was too personal or too menial for this servant. And a special relationship was forged between the two parties over time. One of dependence and reliance on both sides. Brotherly love or as parent and child would not be unheard of as a development between the two. A protectiveness for one another would probably be the minimum in this relationship.
This is the relationship the psalmist is likening Israel’s relationship with God. They are wholly dependent on God. He is their provider. Nothing that they have has been of their own making. Even the very ground they stood upon was a gift from Him.
But they had forgotten their place. They began to seek out other masters. To serve them and worship them instead. Masters who had never done a thing for them, nor were they capable of doing so in the future. Objects incapable of returning the affection bestowed upon them.
God would not stand by and watch. His heart was ripped in two. These people He loved and cared for from the beginning had now turned their backs on Him. At first, He continued to provide for them, thereby ensuring their safety. But after a while He withdrew His hand of protection and allowed their enemies to enter in. Those who looked on either took advantage of this hopelessness or held out false promises. Those who once saw her as desirable laughed instead. “Oh how the mighty have fallen!” A cry they would never have dared while Israel stood under the protection of her Lord.
Israel now cries out for the relationship she lost. “To You I lift up my eyes… Have mercy upon us, O Lord, have mercy upon us” (verses 1a & 3a). I understands that cry and loss. It is a straight forward cry for help.
The fact that they include as their reason for crying out the contempt that has been heaped upon them by other nations has me puzzled. Of ALL the things they could cry about, they are concerned with how others see them as a people. They don’t cry out for release from bondage or for food to fill starving bellies. They cry out because others look down on them with contempt and scorn. Yes, this attitude results in bad treatment but they are not asking for relief from that treatment. Why is that? Is it because the feel that their scorn reflects back on their Lord? Do they think that if God elevates them in the eyes of the other nations their situation will change too?
Truth is, it did. When the king of Persia showed favor on Israel he set them free from bondage. It started with a change in the way they were looked at. And I have NO DOUBT that God orchestrated that change of heart. God’s favor is the beginning and there is no limit to where He will take you from there.
One final thing I noticed was missing from this cry to the Lord. There was no repentance for what brought them to this position in the first place. It held little more that the “HELP” prayer. But it was heard by God none the less. I know it wasn’t the only cry they made too. I’m sure those others had the repentance portion included.
Father God, THANK YOU that You hear ALL my prayers; even the ones that are super simple. Thank You for Your love and favor in my life. I’m not some big important person but I’m Your special child. The one eager to please and who LOVES it when You share some of Your ‘secrets’ with. Today was such a special progression. I’m SO glad You lead the way! I have no idea where I would wind up without You.
Please forgive me for any time I went looking for ‘other masters’ to serve. There is NONE like You! Thank You for choosing me to serve You. I look forward to each day and what they will bring to our relationship. I am honored to be humbled by You.