Psalm 120:1-7 Wrong Place

Our psalmist finds himself in the wrong place. He calls out to God for help when he recognizes his folly. And He answered him.
This is an interesting psalm. Interesting in the fact that I’m not certain who the psalmist is talking about. Is he saying that he is surrounded by those who are lying to him? Or is he saying he has been lying to himself?
Our author freely admits that he has been living in the wrong place for too long. “Woe to me, that I sojourn in Meshech, that I dwell among the tents of Kedar! Too long have I had my dwelling among those who hate peace” (verses 5-6). How did he get here? Is this a reference to living in a place of sin? Hanging around with the wrong crowd can lead to all kinds of trouble. Is our author trying to distance himself from such people or from his own behavior? Or maybe both.
Harsh words are spoken in judgment of the “lying tongue.” First, is a prayer to God for deliverance from such a ‘member’. Then comes the prevention of falling in with it again. Piercing it with arrows or burning it are the suggestions offered. No matter whose mouth this deceitful tongue is residing in, this is a death blow to it. I doubt the author means this literally because to do so would most likely kill the person too.
Taming the tongue is not an easy thing to do. James talks about it in detail for us. In James 3:8 he tells us that NO human being can tame the tongue. But the One whom our psalmist calls out to for help can. He is our ONLY hope in getting hold of that unruly member. He is also the One who can help us discern in our spirit if we are listening to others who have a deceitful tongue. Either way, personal growth or protection from others, God answers this prayer.
I have done MORE than my share of lying over my lifetime. There are some that still make me cringe when I think about them. I know God has forgiven me for them because I brought them to Him and repented. But thinking about how stupid I was to actually think someone would believe my lies blows my mind! And wondering what damage I caused with my lies breaks my heart! Lies can have a lasting effect and they can seriously wound others. Lying to yourself can cause even more damage.
It looks as though our psalmist has realized this himself and is ready to end this destructive path. He has come to the right place for help; the Lord. This is where I run to too. He is the ONLY hope for any of us. In this world we are in now we REALLY need His help, both for our own lives and for interacting with those around us. We especially need discernment as elections draw near. We can pray and ask for discernment when listening to the candidates and their ‘promises’.
Father God, THANK YOU for cleaning up my mouth in terms of lies. I know I still fall into times of not speaking all the truth. THANK YOU for Your Holy Spirit that convicts me every time I lie. I can’t imagine being so used to lying that His words no longer have an impact on me. That would certainly break my heart. Help me daily to walk away from those who live in lies and to keep my tongue from joining their ranks.
In the upcoming elections, help me see the truth instead of being carried away by the flowery promises. You have this whole world in Your hand and WILL turn the hearts of its leaders to where they need to be to fulfill Your plan. I have to leave it all in Your hands and trust You to guide me in doing my part of the process. Thank You that You care about every aspect of my life.