Psalm 118:1-29 On My Side

“The Lord is on my side” sings the psalmist. How does he know this? Because God’s steadfast love endures forever and he has seen it in action.
This is another psalm that mentions you and me. The first four verses of this psalm set out who God’s steadfast love endures for. Verse one is a general introduction to what is on the psalmist’s heart. Verse two calls to Israel. Verse three calls to the house of Aaron. And verse four calls to ALL who fear the Lord. That’s you and me!
So what are we all being called to do? “Give thanks to the Lord” (verse 1a). And why are we being called to do this? Because “His steadfast love endures FOREVER” (verse 1b, 2b, 3b, 4b, emphasis added).
Our psalmist goes into examples in his own life now that prove to him beyond a shadow of a doubt that God’s love does indeed endure forever. God has heard his cries and answered him. He has freed him from danger. Rescued him from his enemies. The Lord is his salvation.
One thing I would like to tell the psalmist is exactly whose side God is on. He speaks several times of the Lord being on his side and cutting off those who would see him fall. In a time of battle there are only two sides. MANY can join either side for their own various reasons, but once committed, there are really only two sides. Our psalmist sees victory and rightly assumes God is on his side. I say he is on God’s side.
Yes, God chose Israel for His own, but even then He didn’t overlook all their sins. While wandering in the wilderness, God showed that He was on HIS own side. When those who had been told they would not inherit the Promised Land tried to force the issue God let them get royally spanked. He did NOT fight on their side that day. Why? Because they were not on His side.
God is on the side of ALL who call on His name and walk in His ways. When we give our life to Him we are His forever. But when we are not walking in His ways He is still our God but He is not exactly on our side. Instead He is calling us back to His side. The psalmist shares his recognition of this. “The Lord has disciplined me severely, but He has not given me over to death” (verse 18).
God doesn’t abandon His children when they sin. Because He loves them He disciplines them and calls them back to Himself. Then we can be on the ‘same side’ again. Here is where we will see His power and might working in our lives. Here is where we see doors open that no one can shut, favor gained where none was asked, battles won where defeat was predicted, and peace granted in the midst of turmoil. On HIS side there is rest, even in the middle of the storm. Because His steadfast love endures forever!
Father God, I want to ALWAYS be on Your side. ‘My side’ gets side tracked too easily. I chase after the wrong things too often. Thank You for continuing to love me even when I’m on the wrong side of things. Your love brings me back though. That love is shown through discipline and lessons I need to learn. Thank You for each of them because they bring me back to You. No matter what side I’m on in the moment, YOUR steadfast love endures FOREVER. Let me NEVER forget that or make light of it. My life is meaningless and less than nothing without Your love!