Psalm 117:1-2 Forever Faithful

Our psalmist is to the point and succinct. Praise the Lord for He is forever faithful. A song we should be FOREVER singing.
When I first saw the length of this psalm I was shocked. I did a Google search to find out if there were any shorter psalms. There isn’t. Not surprisingly, this is also the shortest chapter in the bible. The next things to pop into my head were two different songs. One was the shortest song I know, the other is the longest.
The shortest song I know is probably not one that others would know. My parents taught it to me as a child.
“Sing you a song,
Not very long.
Doodle up doodle up
Now it’s all gone.”
The longest song I know is one that MANY people are familiar with. Its name is “The Song that Never Ends.” I HAD to put a link in here. Hope you enjoy it! (Btw, not only does the song not end but the comments don’t either! Loved reading many of them.) But the reason this song popped into my head is important to me. This psalm could easily be that same kind of song. Not annoying but never ending.
This psalm starts with “Praise the Lord” (verse 1a) and ends with “Praise the Lord” (verse 2b). In between these two praises is the why of the whole thing. Because of His great steadfast love and faithfulness towards us. It endures FOREVER! If ANYTHING is worth singing about forever it is that!!! His love has no end. Therefore my praise has no end.
Father God, I want my praise to go on forever! Help me remember this psalm and sing it freely. I need a tune for it. I’m trusting You to provide it. I’ll wait until You are ready. In the meantime, I’ll keep singing the songs You have already given me.