Psalm 108:1-13 With His Help

God’s people are in bondage but our psalmist refuses to be gloomy about it. He KNOWS that with God’s help they will be restored. And He praises God for it!
I LOVE the fact that the psalmist isn’t waiting for deliverance before he decides to praise God. He has laid hold of God’s promise and trusts Him to complete the work. He decides to praise Him while waiting for that promise.
I’m wondering if our psalmist is praising God in order to ‘hurry along’ the promises. Is he using praise to break through the spiritual darkness surrounding him and his people? Maybe he is setting an example for those around him to follow in hopes that their lives will once again be pleasing to God.
I know what it feels like to try and fight through the despair. There have been times in my life when all I could see was the pain. Not only physical but emotional pain. The ONLY way out was to look to the Father. Choosing to focus on Him instead of the pain was the beginning of my salvation from it. Choosing to praise Him in spite of my circumstances opened my heart and mind up for the Holy Spirit to work. For me it was not an overnight healing but it was a lesson that I could hang onto for future use. Today I’m feeling the need to revisit that lesson. I too will “awake the dawn” (verse 2b). I will give thanks to my God for His steadfast love.
Today Father, even while I’m struggling, You have again proven Yourself faithful. Not only have Your reminded me of this long learned lesson but You have met my needs by supplying the needs of my children. I didn’t have the strength to do it so You did it for me. THANK YOU! Thank You for lifting the burden from my shoulders. Others have landed in its place but I KNOW I can trust You with those ones too!!! I CHOOSE to praise You even now as I wait.
Thank You for wrapping me in Your arms and letting me snuggle in. I don’t feel so lonely now.