Psalm 10:1-18 Do You See?

David laments today the ways of the wicked that seem to go on without notice. “Where are You God? Do you see what they are doing?”
And God’s answer would be, “Patience My child. I see and I know.”
God isn’t really hidden or standing far away as David says. Even though sometimes it feels like He isn’t paying attention, He is poised and ready to move at just the right time. He knows the perfect time to step in. The time when it will have the impact He planned.
While going through my email this morning, I read an update from one of the blogs I follow; Psalms to God. The post today had to do with the life of Joseph, Abraham’s eleventh son. The author wondered about the life of Joseph and what his attitude might have been like during the down times in his life. If ever there was a man who had a right to wonder about the wicked, it was Joseph.
“Did God not see my brother’s actions? Was He on vacation when Potiphar’s wife chased me around like a dog in heat? Did He even care when Pharaoh’s cupbearer forgot about me?”
The fact is that God saw ALL those events. He was waiting until just the right time to intervene. He was sticking to His plan of salvation for Joseph’s entire family; the beginning nation of Israel. And in the meantime He worked smaller miracles. Those miracles included the favor Joseph received in each of his ‘placements’. God had Joseph shine in the eyes of his masters to the point that they couldn’t dream of functioning without his help.
Back to David’s story. David is tired of seeing the wicked prosper and get over on those weaker than them. It feels like the wicked are always winning and not being called to account for their actions against others.
Where is God? Why is He letting this happen? Doesn’t He see what is going on down here? I thought good was supposed to triumph. The wicked men don’t even believe in God so how are they prospering? These are all questions I imagine running through David’s mind as he writes his psalm.
I wonder where David is getting his examples for the ‘wicked people’ for his psalm. Does he have someone in mind? Is he taking many different people and putting their traits together for his psalm? Those that he is describing appear ruthless and arrogant. Ruthless in that they don’t care who they trample on to get what they want. And arrogant in their estimation of their own power, even over that of God’s. This is a DANGEROUS attitude to have! No, they may not meet that danger on this side of the grave, but they WILL meet it on the other side.
David calls out for God’s hand on this side of the grave. He calls out for God to help the afflicted, the one suffering under the wicked, now. God DOES hear but sometimes He doesn’t move with the swiftness that we would like Him to. David had to wait years for the wickedness of Saul to end.
The knowledge that God hears and WILL act is enough to turn David’s psalm of angst into one of joy and promise. I think that is my favorite part of all the psalms. David talks through his issues with God and comes out on the other side with hope. The situation doesn’t have to change immediately for David’s hope to be renewed. Just talking it over with God and recounting His promises is enough to settle David’s heart, and mine.
Father God, Your promises are TRUE and I can put ALL my trust in them. I know You hold me in Your hand and I don’t need to worry. Right now I’m finding that hard to do; stop worrying that is. You know what is going on in my life and that it isn’t a life or death issue. It isn’t even a ‘wicked person’ inflicting harm on me. It’s not knowing what to do when my plans go awry.
It’s Satan stealing my peace and my focus. I take both back in the name of Jesus Christ.
Satan has NO hold on me because of Jesus. Help me remember that Holy Spirit. Thanks for reminding me right now. I leave my dilemma in Your hands Father. Bring me the right solution and peace in the process.