Psalm 100:1-5 He is God

This is another joyful psalm. One that praises God for His steadfast love to ALL generations. He is God and I will praise Him!
Reading the joyful psalms, I keep finding songs of joy welling up within me. Songs taken directly from the psalms that I learned in my youth fill my heart and mind. I LOVE this!!! I wonder if this is how David felt most days. He had bad days but even those seem to have inspired praise in him to the Lord. David always knew where to turn. He KNEW his strength lay in his God. And that comfort came in praise.
This psalm is FILLED with joy. There is no plea for help or mention of sin. It is simply a song of thanks to the Lord who made and chose us. Not just Israel and the generation singing this song but to ALL the earth and ALL generations. If this doesn’t include you and me I don’t know what would!
God calls to us to come and spend time with Him. He loves us and wants to hear from us. What good father wouldn’t want to spend time with his kids? He wants to hear about our day. His heart soars when we share the good things that have happened, especially when it was by His hand that they came about. I can see His smile as our story unfolds and we realize that He did it because He loves us. He LOVES giving us good gifts and He loves it even more when we realize where those gifts came from, and why.
Some of the gifts we are given don’t feel so good at the time. But because we KNOW He loves us, we also KNOW that those gifts ARE good. They may not bring pleasure but they too ARE a treasure. They direct and correct us as we move closer to becoming the AMAZING person He created us to be. He looks forward to the time when we will come to Him with thanksgiving for even those gifts.
He is God and He is worthy to be praised!!!
Thank You Father God for creating me! Thank You for the music You placed in my spirit. Thank You for EVERY gift You have given me, even the ones I wished I could have returned. You know me SO well. You know exactly what it takes to get my heart focused in the right direction. You make me feel like dancing! Let that joy continue to flow in me today as I go about the tasks of my day. Let me NEVER take Your presence for granted. Create in me a clean heart and renew a right spirit within me. I will sing of Your mercies with ALL my heart and let me dance before You with abandon!