Proverbs 3:13-35 Blessed by Wisdom

Those who seek wisdom and live by its principles are blessed by it. This is the same wisdom that God used as He created the universe. It brings peace.
Why seek wisdom? That is the question that is answered here with glowing detail. The description of what is gained by seeking and obtaining wisdom should make it a ‘commodity’ everyone would want. It is more valuable than gold or silver, more precious than jewels. It brings long life and honor. And ALL its ways lead to peace.
God used ‘wisdom’ as He created the world. He took time to plan things out. Just think about the fact that our planet is exactly the right distance from the sun to support life. Move it farther away and it’s too cold, closer and everything would burn up. NO WAY this happened by accident. God planned it out using wisdom. This wasn’t man’s wisdom, who figures all this out AFTER it happens, but His wisdom where HE makes the very laws of the universe. Can you imagine creating such a delicate balance?
He offers us this same wisdom, when we seek Him. It is part of His very nature. I believe it is His Holy Spirit. He speaks to our hearts and directs us in which way we should go. WHEN we listen He leads us in perfect paths that lead to peace. Not EVERY step will be peaceful as there is still a war being waged between Heaven and Hell but the result will be perfect peace.
Equipped with His wisdom, we are called to live a life that reflects it. Along with that wisdom is love. You have security in Him so don’t be afraid to share what you have with others, both spiritually and physically. In this area of love there is wisdom too, as some would take advantage of others who are generous.
When I was reading the list of “Do not” I was thinking about each of them. They each require wisdom to accomplish and notice when the conditions are met. Let’s briefly look at each one.
“Do not withhold good from those to whom it is due, when it is in your power to do it” (verse 27). The person being looked out for here is the one who has earned something. Examples of what is due could include honor, pay, respect, or goods. If you are hiring someone, make sure you have the ability to pay before entering into the bargain. This verse also has a conditional clause built into it; “when it is in your power to do it.” There are some things that are due a person that are beyond your ability to render. For those, be willing to stand up for the person if called upon. This could include being a witness in a court case where character is called into play. Use wisdom to help you discern when to stand for another and for what cause.
“Do not say to your neighbor, ‘Go, and come again, tomorrow I will give it’ – when you have it with you” (verse 28). This person has committed himself to give something to his neighbor but can’t be bothered to get it now. He is ‘too busy’ to care. The man valued himself and his time more than his neighbor’s need. This is NOT love. But the person who says “come back tomorrow” because he has to get it himself first is not being unkind. The one who doesn’t have it to give need also not fear this rebuke. The “when you have it with you” clause fits here. Let wisdom guide you in how to help your neighbor, even if you don’t have exactly what they are asking for.
“Do not plan evil against your neighbor, who dwells trustingly beside you” (verse 29). This and the next verse put the one who is supposed to be using wisdom in the seat of the aggressor. Your neighbor, in this case has no idea that there is any issues. Don’t be the one to start one. If there is a problem, go about resolving it openly. Let wisdom guide your interaction with your neighbors. That is the only way for lasting peace.
“Do not contend with a man for no reason, when he has done you no harm” (verse 30). You are not being asked to lie down before a person who has harmed you according to this verse. You are being told not to start something though. Don’t ‘throw the first punch’ in any battle. Try peace first. Jesus later tells us to turn the other cheek when struck. Even Jesus though took up a whip and ran the merchants out of the Temple. Wisdom is to be our guide on when to take up action, what kind of response, and for what cause.
“Do not envy a man of violence and do not choose any of his ways” (verse31). This one has no ‘escape clause’. It is NEVER a direction of wisdom to disregard this admonition. To envy someone implies that you wish you could have what they have. This is how gangs grow. They entice others by convincing them that they too can ‘have the good life’ if they will just choose evil. What you can do for such a person is pray that he receives the just reward of his actions. “Vengeance is Mine, I will repay, says the Lord” (Romans 12:19b). Wisdom says to leave such a man and his matter in God’s hands.
We ALL need God’s wisdom for our own lives and for our interactions with others. Our ‘neighbors’ are all around us and God is calling for us to be a witness for Him to them. It starts with our own character. Do not be the example someone holds up saying, “See, I told you Christians were hypocrites.” “If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone” (Romans 12:18).
Father God, I want to live in peace with those around me. Sometimes it is not possible, but when it is, help me be the peace maker. Give me Your wisdom in the form of Your Holy Spirit for ALL I do in my life. Not just for ‘neighbor relations’ but in all my life. Family relations is one area where I need ALL the wisdom I can get. You have helped me grow in this area more than I can say. I want to be more like You in the tougher interactions AND in NOT jumping to conclusions on others actions/attitudes. Let me show love no matter what, and no matter the form YOUR wisdom has me take in that love. Thank You that I am not facing any of these issues right now.
Help me employ wisdom in dealing with my husband’s needs, inside and outside the home. Give us favor with the insurance company when we present out need. Give me wisdom in dealing with his medications. Help me discern true patterns and not be led astray.