Proverbs 30:2-3 Unworthy

So many times we come to a task that we feel totally unprepared to take on. We feel unworthy of the confidence others place in us to do the job.
“I can’t do this! Why did they ask me? Don’t they realize how unworthy, ill-prepared, and unskilled I am?” As I’m speaking of how I feel when given a task I feel unworthy of doing, I was reminded of the how Moses reacted when God told him his new role.
“You got the wrong guy! I can’t even speak in front of people! I’ll make a mess of it. Find someone else God.” Eventually God did give Moses help but He didn’t let him off the hook. Moses would still be God’s voice and hands to the people.
Our author feels just as unprepared as Moses did. He tells God that he is too “stupid” to even be a man. He said he hadn’t “learned wisdom” and didn’t “have knowledge of the Holy One.” And, just like Moses, God doesn’t let Agur off the hook either. We will go on to learn along with Agur and see the knowledge he has been given.
To Agur’s concerns for his ability to do the task because of not having learned wisdom or really understanding God, I would say, WHO has and WHO does?!? If it takes having vast understanding and wisdom before even beginning a task, NOTHING would get done. God does not expect us to have all the answers when we are asked to step up in an area. EVERYTHING is new to us at one point or another. The only way to remedy that is to step out with a willingness to learn the task. It helps tremendously if you have someone teaching and guiding you as you learn but that’s not always possible. God is always available to be that Teacher, if we let Him.
I’ve heard it said many times, “God doesn’t call the qualified; He qualifies the called.” This means that when you are chosen for a task by God, it’s NOT because you are so superior at it already but that you have a willingness to learn and let Him lead. I know I would have trouble trusting someone who believes they know all there is to know about everything. Those who believe they are prepared to take on anything at a moment’s notice. That’s not a person God can use. Our growth comes in the learning proves, and that often includes making mistakes and learning how to handle them.
Agur is going to introduce us to multiple lists in the rest of this chapter. It seems fitting that we begin with a list of our own. One that speaks of preparedness for the Lord.
- Be willing to admit that you don’t know everything.
- Be teachable and look for teachers (those who have experience in the area you are seeking to occupy).
- Expect that there will be mistakes along the way. Be ready to learn from them.
- When God calls you to it, HE will see you through it.
- Give the glory back to Him, for without Him you would not succeed.
Father God, there are SO MANY things I’m unqualified and unworthy of doing. Sharing in this forum was certainly a learning experience for me. I knew in my heart what I wanted to do this but had no idea how to go about the process. Thank You for sending me those who did. Thank You also for protecting me from those who would use my desire to their advantage. Keep me learning Father. THANK YOU that I KNOW You will walk with me through ALL my lessons.