Proverbs 27:19-22 Deep Within

There is no disguising what lies deep within a person. It may be hidden from plain view but it will come out, especially to those who spend time around you.
We started this section of reading the other day with the entry titled WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get). I got things in the wrong order for the day and only looked at verse 19. I put a link back to that post so you can look at what the Spirit brought that day, if you want to.
Today, let’s look at the whole section together. All these verses look at the heart within the man. That which is deep within him. His character. Is he a diligent and faithful servant? Is his eye always looking for the next ‘best’ thing? When he is tested and tried will he come up short or have praises lavished on his actions? And, is he so lost that, no matter what comes, he won’t turn loose of his sins. What will be seen when we are truly known?
We have learned the lesson of ‘hiding’ well. It started when Adam hid from God in the Garden. He saw his nakedness and knew he had sinned. So, instead of facing God, he hid. He wasn’t really hidden from God to where He couldn’t find him. I find it interesting that God didn’t seek Adam out, He called to him instead. And Adam showed himself as soon as God called his name.
I have to say that he wasn’t the greatest at “Hide and Seek”. He ‘gave away’ his hiding spot. He did so because his heart compelled him to. Deep within him was a heart, broken, because it had lost something VERY important. A part of it had died. I believe he would have done anything to have a chance to take it back.
No such chance. And it set up an example to all future hearts on how to deal with the realization that you have disappointed someone. Hide. Just like Adam, though, we can’t hide completely. Not only does God really see us but so do those who spend time with us. Our character breaks through the cracks in our masks and hiding places.
An evil man can only maintain a mask of goodness for so long. A good man will stick out like a sore thumb in an evil environment. When put in the ‘fire’ NONE OF US can maintain our cover! What is inside will burst forth; be it cursing the circumstances or praying for deliverance. Some who are evil may even pray but there is no relationship on which to base that desperate plea. Yes, it might develop as a result of the trial but that is more an anomaly than an expected outcome.
Verse 20 says something that is hard to take but also VERY true. Man is ALWAYS looking for something more. On the most basic level, our very survival depends on it. It is certainly how our society operates; even in societies that are ‘primitive’ by the developed world’s standard. The KEY thing is the ‘focus’ in that searching.
Are you looking for more money? Maybe more power or prestige. It could be as fundamental as looking for more food to eat. Are you instead looking for a deeper relationship with the Lord? Craving guidance from the Holy Spirit? Looking to see who else you might be of help to. Praying for an opportunity to share the gospel with someone. These last longings are still classified as ‘never satisfied’ but I think they are certainly worthy searching according to God’s standards. That’s the kind of searching I want to be caught doing. I’m not fooling myself because I know I have material wants too. My Amazon account shouts very clearly of that each month!
The ‘praises’ a man receives for how he is living will tell a tale too. Are they positive praises? “You do such a good job managing _____.” “You can do ANYTHING!” Or will it be negative ‘praise’? “Did you see how he treated that boy?” “He is so tight he probably squeaks when he walks.” What will the ‘praise’ offered to you be? What will mine be?
Father God, keep my eyes searching Your word. Fill my heart with a desire to go deeper in our relationship every day. Look beneath my mask and into my hiding place. Pull anything that is not of You out. Pluck it up, roots and all. Forgive me for ‘tending ANY plants’ in my heart that bring You shame or even crinkle Your brow. Let me be known as Your child in everything I do, ALL THE WAY THROUGH.