Proverbs 25:25 Welcome News

Everyone likes good news, especially when it is from someone you haven’t talked to in a while. In Solomon’s day welcome news from far away was rare.
We are a spoiled lot! Because of technology we can talk to anyone at almost anytime, anywhere in the world. But it is still encouraging to get good news from those who are far away. It is easier to get to ‘far away’ places than it was for those in Solomon’s days, but you still can’t be with your far away loved ones at the drop of the hat.
Most of my family of origin live across the mountains from me; 131 miles. Most of my children live in the area where I do. But there are some of my husband’s and my children who live far away. One lives on the opposite end of the state (208 miles) and another in Hawaii (2,475 miles). Needless to say, we don’t visit very often. Sometimes I miss important things going on in their lives because of the distance. It saddens me that I can’t be there when they are experiencing trouble OR joy. When I get news of either kind, I feel closer to that part of my family.
Imagine leaving home as a young adult and NEVER seeing your family again. That was the reality for a LONG time. You only received word through relayed information. It was a little easier for the nation of Israel because it wasn’t as big as some other nations but still, the separation often didn’t end. There were the annual pilgrimage feasts that they might have reunited during. Without communication though it would be hit and miss even then. So, news was cherished! Especially good news.
I was just sitting here thinking how this applies to our spiritual lives. We are told that when one soul turns to the Lord, the angels rejoice. That ‘far off in a foreign land’ child FINALLY ‘calls home’. The distance is nothing to God, but the spiritual divide is HUGE. And the news is THE BEST POSSIBLE!
Jesus also talks about the one sheep who has gone astray. If that ‘sheep’ was never found, imagine the heartache. But one ‘sheep’ returned from a far-off place brings joy to the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. They LOVE that kind of good news!
God also LOVES for us to ‘check in’ with Him. To share our troubles and triumphs with Him. Of course, He already knows them but it brings joy to Him for us to share them with Him. I know my mom likes it when I share my joys with her. My dad does too. ‘Call’ (pray, talk to God) Home more often. He looks forward to hearing from you. And He has much He wants to share with you too!
Father God, thank You for sharing Your word with me. Thank You that You do want to hear about my day, no matter how it is going. Help me stay connected with my ‘distant’ family too. THANK YOU for placing me in an age when this is possible! Even for making it possible to speak to people all over the world each day. I LOVE hearing good news of where Your word has touched someone!