Proverbs 24:19-20 Wise Words #29

Don’t worry about what the wicked may do in this world. Don’t envy what they have for they have no future. But you do!
I suppose you could say that we all have a ‘future’ after death. Those who have given their lives to the Lord and accepted Jesus’ substitution work on the cross have eternal life to look forward to. Those who haven’t, have eternal death waiting for them. The wicked have no future we would EVER want!!!
The previous verses from 15 onwards could be taken together to tell us how to live in this world where wickedness is all around. I could go back farther, but I have to draw the line somewhere. The main points are; 1) Don’t hover like a vulture waiting for your brother to do evil, 2) Don’t be excited and gloat when your enemy falls or stumbles, and 3) Don’t be afraid of the wicked people in this world.
I want to jump back to the 1) for a moment. As I was rereading it I noticed something that I missed before. When I first read it and spoke about it, I didn’t notice that the one who was told not to lay in wait was specifically told not to do this with a righteous man. These men are spiritual brothers. Too often we see examples of ‘vultures’ in the church. Those who know they can do it better, or that have an issue against another but haven’t followed Paul’s directions. This also includes those of a different ‘doctrine’ that is still foundationally sound, looking for faults in their brother’s beliefs. Paul addressed this too when he told us to be mindful of our “weaker brothers” when it comes to exercising our “freedoms.” Instead, we are to lift up each other in prayer.
I believe that #2 also applies to our spiritual brothers. It doesn’t specifically state that in our text but it certainly makes sense. Don’t gloat when your enemy falls and don’t gloat when your brother stumbles. With your brother, go to him and help him rise up again. NOT by beating him about the head with his sin, but by showing him the love of God. As Paul cautions us though, be careful lest you fall with him.
That brings us to today’s reading. Today we are told not to be afraid of the enemy or to envy what they have. In a way, this applies to our spiritual brothers too. We are not to envy the gifts God has given them or their place in the body. “The hand doesn’t say to the eye, I’m more important than you” (a paraphrasing of another of Paul’s teachings).
But let’s get back to the actual focus of these wise words. We have NOTHING to fear from this world. The WORST thing they can do to us is kill us. That puts us into the Father’s arms immediately. God is big enough to part the Red Sea, stop the Jordan river, raise the dead, and make a way for us to come into His presence. He is CERTAINLY big enough to help us in our daily lives. No. We will not go through life unscathed, but we will NEVER face a storm alone!
The wicked don’t have this assurance, in life or after death. They have to make their way on their own. Yes, some will make more money and have more fame that some of God’s children do, but it DOESN’T last. It is here one minute and gone the next. There is no future beyond eternal death for them. We may not see them ‘get their just deserts’ in this life but you can be sure they WILL pay for their sins when they stand before the Lord. And that punishment is NOT pleasant.
So, in a nutshell, don’t be afraid of walking through this world. God has us well in His hands. Don’t repay good with evil or wish evil on another. Let God judge ALL people. Be content and as effective as you can be in the place God puts you. And until HE moves you, carry on.
Father God, forgive me for the times I have tried to argue my spiritual brothers and sisters into line with my thinking. For those who love You and have accepted Jesus as their Savior, help me to let YOU do the work on both our hearts. Only YOU know which one is in need of more training.
Thank You also for giving me a heart that is tender towards people. Thank You that You show me good in even the hardest people to love. Protect me though from being blinded by my search for good that I fall into the places of sin with them. THANK YOU for making a way for me to provide for my family without having to enter the field as a counselor. In that position, when employed by the world, I would have a HUGE struggle with calling good bad and bad good. Thank You for Your protection of my life. And for making a plan for my life LONG before I took my first step on that road.