Proverbs 23:4-5 Wise Words #7

Today we are told that chasing wealth is a waste of time. Working non-stop for the purpose of ‘getting ahead’ leaves you alone.
This one hits a little close to home. Not for me but for my husband in his early hears. He always felt he had to take EVERY hour of overtime he could get so he could have money for his family. The problem was that his family wanted him. I don’t know if his first wife wanted BOTH but their marriage dissolved because of circumstances created by loneliness.
Chasing money is an all-consuming drive. The more you get, the more you want. Yes, we have to work to buy the necessities in life but we don’t have to drive ourselves to the brink of death for the ‘dollar’. Wealth dwindles, things grow old and break, and time can never be reclaimed.
Jesus addressed this in part with Martha. She was complaining because her sister was sitting at Jesus’ feet instead of helping her. Martha was frazzled, trying to make everything perfect for Jesus’ visit. It was more work that she could do alone. Martha was upset and confronted Jesus with her sister’s ‘laziness’. “Tell her then to help me” (Luke 10:40b).
Jesus doesn’t tell Mary to get up, or get upset with Martha but gives her something to consider. “Mary has chosen the good thing, and it will not be taken from her” (Luke 10:42). Mary chose not to miss out on this opportunity to absorb ALL Jesus had to offer. She knew what was important. She laid everything aside to spend time with the Master.
Jesus didn’t say “We don’t need to worry about food” or tell Martha to join Mary. He pointed out that she was worried about things that didn’t matter in the end. God knows we NEED food to sustain us. He created us to begin with. I trust Him to know what we need. And that includes rest.
When all we do is chase that mighty dollar, we miss out on the important things in life. Children can’t be put on ‘pause’ while you chase your fortune, spouses won’t wait forever to be noticed. Your family will crumble before you. How much are they worth to you?
Father God, thank You for providing for me. Thank You for helping me to choose the important things. I don’t need to work several jobs in order to survive. You have made a way for me care for my family AND have my needs met. BEST OF ALL, You make it possible for me to spend time with You. Help me use all You have given me the best way possible; to make a difference in Your Kingdom.
You know my struggle today too. I’m tired. Not from chasing my fortune but from trying to appear great in my grandchildren’s eyes. I am physically worn out. Help me find refreshing in my sleep tonight. Thank You for caring for ALL the aspects of my life.