Proverbs 22:22-23 Wise Words #1

We are at the first of the 30 wise words we were promised. Wise words #1 deals with God watching over the poor and afflicted. HE serves justice to those who abuse them.
God is ALWAYS watching us. He has a special place in His heart for the poor and afflicted. He cares for those who can’t care for themselves. This doesn’t mean that He has to lift them out of their situation, but He will ‘fight’ for those who cannot defend themselves.
The city gate was very important in bible times. It was the place where meetings were held, judgments were made, deals were struck, and proclamations were given. The elders of the community regularly sat there to deal with any matters that arose in the city. It may have also been the site of the markets, according to one source I found. It was an important hub.
I’m curious to know if this is also where the poor and afflicted also gathered. The place where they asked for alms. It makes sense as this would be the area where everyone passed on their way in or out of the city. This would give them the greatest chance of receiving the money they so desperately needed.
Which leads me to the question of “how” were they being abused? Was it some kind of legal maneuvering taking place? Were they being verbally or physically abused within sight of the gate? Were they being cheated and thereby robbed in the marketplace?
What ever the reason, God was NOT happy with this conduct! He clearly states that HE will repay the abusers for their actions. As I have mentioned before, just because we don’t see that ‘repayment’ on this side of Heaven, that does NOT mean God has forgotten about it. There WILL BE a price exacted for such acts!
Something else that strikes me here is that by doing this abuse at the city gate, the abuser could be observed by everyone. They showed no fear of discovery or consequences. They weren’t even afraid of the power of the elders. If they had feared discovery they would have acted in secret.
I want to put out a couple of different scenarios that have occurred to me as to how this might have looked.
A man who has very little goes to sell what he does have in order to feed his family. The ‘buyer’ offers him a price FAR below what his goods are worth. Because the man is desperate, he takes what he can get.
A man is sitting in the street asking for alms from those who pass by. Another man is annoyed at the number of beggars. “Why don’t they just go get a job?” Instead of offering them assistance, he throws insults at the man on the ground. He kicks sand at him and knocks over what is holding the money he has received and scatters it.
A man is standing accused before the elders of ‘stealing’ from another by not paying his bills. The man has nothing with which to make payment. He has asked for time but none is given. He is thrown into prison until he can repay all while his family is thrown out into the streets. They then join the ranks of the beggars.
I thought about putting these scenarios into story form but figured it would take quite a bit to get the point across. I’ll be like our author and just get to the point. One more thing this verse brings to mind is something I heard as a child. I don’t remember who said it or why but I thought it was funny and remembered it.
“We are so poor that if a robber broke in, he would leave something instead.”
No matter how poor your pocketbook is, when you are a child of God, you are wealthy beyond measure! This life is NOT what our existence should be measured by. And no abuse is overlooked by God. HE is our Defender.
Thank You Father that You are my defender! I have no fear of man. Even his worst words and actions against me can be taken to You for mending. There are a lot of words that I should have already taken to You but I’ve held onto them instead. I’ve used them against myself. Help me see myself through YOUR eyes.
For all those who are being abused in this life, PLEASE hold them a little closer today. Show them that You really ARE listening. That You really do love them. Help me NEVER be a source of pain for them. Let me be a healing balm instead.