Proverbs 21:25-26 Laziness Kills

Solomon is back to talking about the “sluggard” again. This means a “lazy” person in our day. And this laziness kills because of how entrenched it is.
We have seen the “sluggard” before. I think one of my ‘favorite’ illustrations is the one where the man’s hand is “in the dish” but he is SO lazy he won’t bring it to his mouth to eat. This is Proverbs 19:24. Proverbs 26:15 says pretty much the same thing. I’m not certain but I think Solomon was alluding to the fact that he would die of starvation because he was too lazy to bring his hand to his mouth. We are not done with the sluggard either. He gets himself in a LOT more problems by his laziness.
Today’s verse speaks the sluggard’s fate plainly. His desire for escape work kills him. He wants good things but he is not willing to do any real work to obtain them. Because he puts no ‘feet’ to his desires they go nowhere, right along with him. He has BIG dreams and wonderful plans but they never make it to the step of being carried out. ‘Something’ or ‘someone’ always ‘gets in the way’ of them. And they get the blame when the sluggard’s plans produce no fruit.
I know I’ve had things I’ve wanted to do that never got done for one reason or another. But I have also seen some of my plans come to pass because of HARD work. It takes effort to get past the obstacles in anyone’s path. Some of the things I worked hard for I no longer use. Some of them I wish I could take my work a step farther. “What’s stopping me” you ask. Fear, money and yes laziness too. I’m afraid of failing and wasting money in the process. And it would take work to find out how to do what I want to do.
I have a feeling that the sluggard “craves” a lot of different things. If it was a single thing the he thought about all day every day he would eventually feel the pressure to get off his couch and do something about it. A “craving” isn’t something that can easily be dismissed. Today I’m craving something sweet. That craving is refusing to be ignored and I have found myself with my hand in the cupboard too often.
Cravings seem to take on a life of their own if you dwell on them very long. This blog is certainly proof of that in my life. I craved being able to share my bible study time with others and that craving is finally fulfilled. God had to open some very specific doors in my life before I could do this but then it was up to ME to walk through those doors. I guess I’m waiting for Him to open other doors for my other ‘craving’ since I am clueless as to how to go about fulfilling that craving.
Am I the sluggard? Am I the righteous man who wants to give and does not hold back? I guess that all depends on if I act on those cravings or not. I suppose time will tell with this ‘craving’.
The sluggard’s biggest desire is to NEVER EVEER have to work. He wants all the benefits with none of the work. God does NOT bless this type of desire or attitude. He expects us to put feet to our faith in one way or another. If we do nothing our dreams go nowhere; they die on the vine. Along with the one who had them. The sluggard has nothing to leave as a legacy because he did nothing with the life God gave him. All he leaves behind is a lesson or warning to others.
Father God, You know my heart. You know the things I want to do. You also know how unequipped I am s to see some of those things through into reality. I also know that You have ways of opening doors for me in unexpected ways. IF I am to see this desire through it will have to be You who makes the path and takes me by the hand to walk it. Give me strength to get through the current projects too Father. I’m so tired. Let that NEVER be an excuse I use to avoid our time together! I trust You to provide the rest I need too.
Into YOUR hands I commit ALL my plans Father. Do with me what You will.
Just in case you are curious as to my “craving”; I want to publish the collection of poems I have on the page, Lessons Learned on Daddy’s Lap. I have already done a small version of this for my family but I want to be able to let anyone who wants to, read what God has shared with me. To this collection, though, I want to add many of the “first person” stories I have written throughout the years for this blog. I’m leaving it in HIS hands as to if it will ever happen. I have no idea how to go about it or who to seek to help me do it.