Proverbs 2:1-22 Wisdom’s Value

A wise warning from father to son regarding the value of wisdom. Wisdom is from the Lord and will protect those who seek it. But the wicked will perish.
I’m curious who this chapter is addressing. Is it David’s instructions to Solomon or Solomon’s to his son Rehoboam? David certainly impressed on Solomon’s heart the importance of wisdom. When asked by God what gift he would like to receive, above all else Solomon chose wisdom. But even he refused to listen to wisdom in one particular area of his life; relationships with women snared him.
Solomon’s son Rehoboam seems to have missed out on the wisdom search from the beginning. Did Solomon even try and stress this teaching in his son’s life or did he figure Rehoboam should have been able to see the process for himself as Solomon modeled it in front of him.
Solomon’s wisdom was so famous that rulers of foreign nations sought his counsel. The Queen of Sheba even came to hear what Solomon had to say. No one else even compared to the wisdom dispensed on a daily basis from the throne while Solomon reigned. But did his own children grasp its importance of his wisdom or how it was obtained? Did they think, “Oh. That’s just my father” because it was common in their life? Did they ever have the, “How does he do that?” moments? What was it like growing up under such a wise man? And did they notice the area where he fell short? Did they vow not to be like that or did they see it through man’s eyes and revel in Solomon’s ‘bedroom’ conquests?
Whoever was the father giving sound instructions to his son, these same instructions apply to us just as surely as the moments they were uttered. We need wisdom today as much, if not more, than Solomon did. We have much greater access to the Holy Spirit, who gives wisdom, than Solomon did. He lives within ALL those who would seek to follow Jesus and ask Him to be their Lord. Jesus sent Him as our Comforter after He ascended to the Father. We have but to ask the Holy Spirit, who lives in us, for His direction. And we have to listen to what He says.
There is SO MUCH wisdom to be imparted in this book. For those who recognize its value it is LIFE CHANGING. I pray we can do it justice. To accomplish this task we need to see these words as direct instruction from our Father to us. “My son [and daughter], if you receive My words and treasure up My commandments with you, making your ears attentive to wisdom and incline your heart to understanding; yes, if you call out for insight and raise your voice for understanding, if you seek it like silver and search for it as for hidden treasures, then you will understand the fear of the Lord and find the knowledge of God” (verses 1-5). He promises to give wisdom to those who seek it AND Him. He is simply waiting for us to ask.
My brother has been in the construction business for YEARS. This last summer he was ready to hang it up. He was barely scraping by. Then he asked God for help. He says the jobs are pouring in now and he is busier than ever. I’m praying that with the return of work there was also wisdom included in who to hire and fire as well as how to make a bid that is both acceptable and profitable. These were areas he had trouble with. I think praying for wisdom in these areas for him is the best thing I can do for him as his sister. Maybe that’s what I should be doing with my brother in law too.
Father God, thank You for Your Holy Spirit who gives wisdom. Help me listen more often for His words are life to me. Help both the Tim’s in my life. Help one manage his business and the other to manage his own life. Show me how to ‘support’ both in a way pleasing to You.
Let me speak Your words of wisdom when asked any matter instead of spouting my opinion. I want to be a blessing to those around me. I KNOW I will never be another Solomon, but I would like to be of benefit wherever You place me in life.