Proverbs 20:3 Cool Headed

Not certain if Solomon is pointing this verse at the king from the last one or not but remaining cool headed is sound advice for ALL of us. Leave it in God’s hands.
My bible helps points out that this is godly advice for all people but especially for a king. Remaining aloof to strife keeps one from making rash decisions because of it. I had a friend in college once who said, “Don’t sweat the petty things, pet the sweaty things.” In other words, don’t focus on the stresses of life. Instead focus on the people (and animals) in your life. Focus on what is important.
The Holy Spirit, through Solomon, is telling us that if we can keep our temper and not get dragged into senseless arguments we will be much better off. Some things ARE worth arguing about but most aren’t. And nothing is worth getting caught up in a rage about. Even in a disagreement, remaining above the fray is the best way to get your point heard. If everyone is yelling at each other, nothing is being heard.
When Jesus faced the Pharisees He didn’t need to raise His voice. He never got ‘red in the face’ and came out verbally punching. He stayed above the emotions of the fight and dealt with the issues. He DIDN’T ignore the issues, but He didn’t sink to the Pharisees level of trickery to get His point across. Sometimes I think He may have welcomed the confrontations so that His disciples could learn valuable lessons, not the least of which was how to respond to adversaries. Jesus spoke God’s word with knowledge and authority. If the listeners chose to accept His words; great. If not, He was not going to argue them into belief.
If you want to argue about something, just log onto a social media platform. They are rife with them! Some are so lengthy that no one can ever read all that is posted. Some are so absurd that they defy explanation. All are waged though by someone who is bound and determined to make everyone see things their way. The ire these arguments create speaks more about the participants than the points themselves. Many want to be recognized, regardless of why or what kind of attention they receive.
On my personal page I post VERY little. On the page related to this blog, I post only information related to the blog itself. Sometimes it is an apology and short explanation for not posting. Anyone is free to comment with their opinion on any of the postings. I am no expert in all things biblical and will generally not argue. I will thank you for your opinion and willingness to share. I will, however, not allow senseless debates or tirades. And I will never allow a comment against our Father God, Jesus, or the Holy Spirit to stand. I won’t argue that point, I will simply delete it. Why? Because my Facebook page for this site is a forum for those who love the Lord, those who are seeking the Lord, or those in need of prayer and support.
I think it’s time to get off my ‘soapbox’. I’m beginning to sound like I’m arguing about not arguing. NOT where I want to go. I don’t want to be one of the ‘fools quarreling’.
Father God, keep my heart focused on You and Your words. Don’t let me get caught up in strife over other’s words. Help me stand for the truth as Jesus did. I KNOW my knowledge is FAR from His level but I want to speak only Your truth. Feel COMPLETELY FREE to change ANYTHING I write so that it reflects YOUR truth instead of my opinions. You created the universe with just a word, changing a few characters on cyberspace is NOTHING for YOU.
Forgive me Father for the arguments I DO engage in in my everyday life. Help me rise above the fray in the everyday too; especially with my husband. I want peace to reign in our home