Proverbs 19:5-9 A Big Ten

Solomon uses one of the ‘Big Ten’ as bookends for what he shares today. That ‘Big Ten’ is the Ten Commandments. This one is number nine.
Yes, I’m still following my bible helps grouping format. They suggest that today’s verses may have a courtroom theme to them. “In this context, dominated by the idea of poverty and misfortune, ‘false witness’ could relate either to those who exploit the poor in the court or to poor people who will perjure themselves for a little money” (Proverbs None On 19:5-9; ESV Study Bible).
“Thou shall not bear false witness against thy neighbor.” This is the ninth commandment God gave to Moses and His people. It is to be observed in ALL arenas and by ALL people. It isn’t linked to courtroom proceedings but to all of life. So many times we come across someone telling lies about another. THIS TOO is bearing false witness. Gossip falls squarely in this category, especially malicious gossip.
Jesus faced this problem on a daily basis but none as memorable as the night He stood trial. Daily the Pharisees spoke out against Him. They made up all kinds of lies to turn the people against Him. The night he stood before Caiaphas the Pharisees were seeking FALSE testimony that would stand up to at least a little bit of scrutiny. According to Matthew 26:59-61 it appears that the Pharisees KNEW the testimony they were seeking was false. The searched high and low to find someone with a kernel of truth that could be twisted into condemning Jesus. Two men agreed to testify. They of course twisted His words because they missed what He was actually saying. Jesus said most of the words quoted by the men but they had a completely different meaning. I wonder if they knew they were spewing false testimony. Did they get paid for their ‘service’?
That’s how gossip starts too. A kernel of truth camouflages the lies hidden within. Before long, even the kernel of truth is lost and all that is left is lies. Some people are paid to spread this kind of gossip/rumors/disinformation. They are called ‘campaign managers’. Other people spread false information for various reasons. One of those reasons is to make themselves look better. The mean girl at school who spreads rumors about less popular girls so they don’t lose followers.
Nowhere is as devastating as the courtroom. And sometimes it is hard to weed through the lies and find the kernel of truth. Some get paid to lie; the ‘expert’ who will slant his test results or conclusion to favor the side who hired him. Others do it for the same reasons the false witnesses against Jesus did; to get THEIR names in the paper. I bet those two witnesses became famous on BOTH sides of the isle.
I’m certain there is MUCH MORE to discover about the false witness’ motives and procuring one but let’s move to the center section of our reading. Within verses six and seven we see something else we have already covered. Money brings ‘friends and family’ out of the woodwork and poverty drives them away.
“Many seek the favor of a generous man, and everyone is friend to a man who gives gifts” (verse 6). This one puts a little qualifier on this proverb. The man is generous. Without that generosity he would be another rich person hoarding what he has. The ‘friends and family’ appear because they know this person has a giving heart and he has something to offer that they want. They will stick around as long as the gifts keep flowing. When they stop, so will the visitors.
The poor man has nothing to offer those seeking gain. He certainly has friendship he could offer but there are few takers. They don’t see his value/worth. And they stay far from him.
Why is man judged worthy of ‘friends’ because of the size of his pocketbook? There is SO MUCH MORE to a person than wealth. It takes someone with a caring heart to look beyond the obvious and see the jewel waiting beneath it all. Which brings us to the person in verse 8. The one who actually wants sense and understanding. This is the person who will see beyond the money belt and look into the heart. This person will discover good all around him and good in his own life because of it. This man is not suspicious, doesn’t judge others, and is welcoming. He is NOT a fool and won’t be taken advantage of but will also give each person an opportunity to be his friend. His story reminds me of a story I read a couple of times but just saw it again this morning. It is about a teacher who taught the students a lesson in helping others and happiness. When you seek to help others you wind up getting more than you gave. You find your joy!
Father God, thank You for giving me back joy this morning. I was lamenting going over proverbs that were already shared but You made them fresh again to me today. Keep me coming back every day to Your word. Share Your joy with me as I share my time with You. Take me into Your presence.