Proverbs 18:9-12 False Safety

Man believes his wealth will save him. This is a false sense of security for only God can save a man. Pride in wealth is a sure recipe for a fall.
My bible helps put these four verses together saying that taken as a group, they point out that wealth cam give a false sense of security. And that sense of security “leads to laziness, pride, and a downfall, but that humility and the fear of God exalts people” (ESV Study Bible). That sounds good to me but let’s see what the Holy Spirit would have us take from today’s reading.
First thing I notice is that laziness and great riches don’t really go together. Laziness seems to lead to destruction instead of prosperity or even pride. But my bible helps point out that one who has “made it to the top” can become lazy too. I would expect that their laziness would wind up wasting all they had. Pride certainly grows in the fertile ground surrounding the rich.
Pride is one of the most recognizable downfalls for a man. It usually starts out small; a little pat on the back for a job well done. That pat then comes from many different directions, including from himself. Before you know it, he is standing on his own hastily constructed pedestal. A strong breeze can topple a person from up there. And the fall us usually pretty devastating!
Trusting in money is another very recognizable trap for man. When having money becomes more important than the things you can do with it TO HELP OTHERS, it has become your god. The money in the bank keeps you focused there instead of the world around you. It draws your heart instead of letting the Spirit move it.
I’m guilty of watching my bank balance, especially near the end of the month. I’m trying to save for a very expensive piece of equipment for my husband’s health (and mine). The numbers have been climbing but it seems every time they get above a certain level, a need pops up. I have learned to react to the need instead of holding tight to our savings. Being willing to give of what God has blessed me with also comes with wisdom in where to put it. I don’t put it in places where it will be squandered and more needed to really meet the need. This is a hard balancing act at times. I PRAY with ALL my heart that I’m doing as God would have me do instead of letting money take His place in my heart.
The ONLY place of security is in the arms of God! He is our Strong Tower, our Hedge of Protection, our Creator and Heavenly Father. He gave us Jesus as our Savior, Prince of Peace, Rose of Sharon, Calmer of the storms, and eternal Advocate. After Jesus’ feet left this earth He sent us another who is the Holy Spirit. He is our Wonderful Counselor, Friend who sticks closer than a brother, and speaks to us of the very Heart of God. Together they are Alpha and Omega. ALL we will EVER need. The Author and Finisher of our faith. The ONLY Port in the storm. Our Lighthouse!
These are just words on a page if you are not in a relationship with Him. But when He is on the throne of your heart these words give comfort beyond belief. You learn to trust Him and to lean into Him in good times and bad. You learn how TRUE His love for you really is; and how VAST!
Father God, THERE IS NONE LIKE YOU! You are my Savior and my God. Through fire, flood, famine, and joy You have stood over me. You have carried me in the hard times and directed my path when I was strong enough to walk. You called me back from the brink so MANY TIMES I can’t even count them. All I need is found in You. Thank You that You always know what I need, even when I don’t. l leave my life in Your hands.
Help me ALWAYS too Father to turn ALL praise back to You. Let me never become puffed up no matter how ‘successful’ I become in this world. Help me continue following You even if I’m ‘unsuccessful’ in the things I choose to do. Let them ALWAYS be done for You. Yours is the ONLY praise I need! The ONLY opinion that truly matters.