Proverbs 17:4 Bad Company

Solomon shares how those who want to do evil find those of like mind. Bad company breeds bad advice and deeds. If in doubt, revisit Rehoboam’s story.
Solomon is still giving us stand-alone proverbs. This chapter seems to have a lot of them and today is another one. I don’t want to rush the Holy Spirit so let’s see where He takes us this time.
When I first read this verse I didn’t grasp its meaning. I had to sit with it a while. I had to let the Spirit do His work before I got it. Now it feels like, “How dumb could I be to have missed this?” This verse says a LOT about who we associate with. Paul addresses this with the Corinthians in his second letter.
The first thing we need to attend to though is Jesus’ command for us to reach out to the fallen world and share His message with them. We cannot be isolated from all bad influences. If we were, we would have no one to share the gospel with. But neither can we be immersed in evil and remain clean. Even Jesus surrounded Himself with a core group of men and women of like mind; those who sought the Messiah.
Paul’s address of not throwing in with evildoers is centered more on the body of believers. Even in the church body, there are those who say they are believers but make a habitual practice of sinning. Paul says to separate yourself from those individuals. He even has the church turn away from them UNTIL they repent. This is because “Bad company corrupts good morals” (1 Corinthians 15:33b).
This being said, let’s look at what Solomon is saying. It is a fact that those who practice evil will seek out like-minded people. “Water seeks its own level.” We try and rationalize our behavior, whether good or bad. “_____ is doing it too so it can’t be that bad.” When we don’t have those around us who exhibit the kinds of behavior we want to participate in, we will change associations. Therefore, those who are in sin will take advice and choose friendships based on shared behaviors/beliefs. Their whole sphere of advice and direction is bound up in the friends they have chosen. Gangs count on this! The prison system knows this too. That is why a person on parole is required to stay completely away from the people they associated with before being sent to jail.
The opposite is also true. Those who wish to do good need to surround themselves with friends and advisors who seek the same direction. This is why the writer of Hebrews tells us not to forget to gather together as believers. There IS strength in numbers; especially when those ‘numbers’ are of like mind.
Be mindful of those whom you let into your inner circle. Reach out beyond that supporting circle to those in need as Jesus commanded us to do.
Father God, thank You for those whom You have placed in my life. I don’t have a big support group around me. Those that I do have are scattered about. But staying in contact with them provides me with GREAT support. I am very grateful to be in this time in history where proximity doesn’t determine connectivity. Help me be a support to others too Father. I want to let Your love shine through me at all times. Let me speak only Your truth in all I do.
“Whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him” (Colossians 3:17). Let this be how I live my life Lord Jesus. Lead me Holy Spirit every moment of every day.
Here is take on being separate.