Proverbs 15:13-15 Glad Heart

God tells us, through Solomon, that a glad heart shines forth on the face. This heart isn’t glad because of its circumstances but because of its security. Safe in His hands!
I know, we are moving pretty slow through Proverbs now. But there is SO much in here that the Spirit wants to share with us. I KNOW I will never be able to exhaust the depth of these proverbs. They are new and fresh every time we read them. So let’s see what He has for us in these three verses today.
The last time we were together we talked about the fact that our hearts are laid bare before the Lord. He sees it all; good, bad and ugly. Nothing we do surprises Him. This time we are going to look at our hearts from our side of the relationship. The side where our hearts are learning His security. There is no joy without security first.
Have you ever watched a baby bubble over with joy? It is seen in the coos and giggles he/she expresses. But they only happen when ALL their needs are met. They do not giggle or coo when they are hungry. No happy smiles when their diapers are dirty, unless it is the relief of struggling to pass a bowel movement. As wonderful as their joy is it doesn’t last. Along comes another need and they are back to crying to get our attention. Their joy is situational. But one “situation” that we still share with them is joy of a relationship.
When a baby’s favorite person picks them up or removes them from the hands of a stranger, they quiet down. They feel secure once again. In our lives the relationship that inspires the MOST joy is between the Father and ourselves. Yes, we still have needs and our hearts still cry out in pain over the circumstances around us. But we have a deeper joy that remains because we KNOW, no matter what may come, our relationship with Him will protect us.
Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego had EVERY right in the world to be fearful and distraught, but they weren’t. They had joy even in the moment of facing the fiery furnace. Why? Because they were secure in their relationship with God. They KNEW that nothing on this earth could “hurt” them as long as they remained true to the Lord. They would either meet their Maker face to Face that day or He would somehow protect them. Joy with either outcome.
Our “joy” comes from that same place; our relationship with God. Those who have no relationship have no lasting joy. Their joy is forever situational. Ours is relational. Our joy comes from KNOWING our final outcome. It also comes from KNOWING that God has us in His hands, NO MATTER the circumstances.
“The heart of him who understanding seeks knowledge” (verse 14a). When we understand WHERE our security comes from, we realize we have nothing to fear. Yes, things in this world are spinning out of control but it DOES NOT have any impact on the joy of those who put their trust in Him. We have to walk through the same circumstances as everyone else but we don’t have to be burdened by it. It is NOT our security! God is.
Something that I have to contend with every day are the “Henny Penny’s” running around feeding those around me. For those who are not familiar with Henny Penny, she was a chicken who, after an acorn fell on her head, told everyone the “sky was falling” and stirred them all up. She was always on the lookout for disaster and it didn’t take much to convince her destruction was imminent. The sky was not falling but she convinced all her neighbors that it was. They followed her and joined in the spreading of the tale until someone who wasn’t buying into their hype took advantage of their fears. Foxy Loxy and his family ate VERY well that day.
People are running around today calling out doom and destruction. They are stirring up their neighbors with tales that hold maybe one or two small facts. Others buy their tales of disaster and begin spreading them too. This makes them ripe for the picking of those who find ways to capitalize on this fear.
YES. Bad things are happening in this world. But those who put their trust in God need not fear them. He will either carry us through the storms or remove us from its path. The more the world lines up with the prophecies of the Bible, the closer I know it is for Jesus’ return!
Jesus told His disciples a little about what was to come. He told them, “Now when these things begin to take place, straighten up and raise your heads, because your redemption is drawing near” (Luke 21:28). Look up! Jesus could return at any moment. The signs are everywhere! Don’t get bogged down in fear. Instead, let the joy of the Holy Spirit fill you as you hold tight to the Master’s hand. Not much longer!!!
Father God, YOU are my hope; my joy! You are my safety. I put my trust in You, NO MATTER WHAT COMES. I trust You to know exactly when to intervene and to bring me home with You. Until that time happens, I will hold onto the joy that your Spirit brings. Fill me each day with renewed joy; YOUR joy!