Proverbs 14:5-7 Walk the Path

Solomon contrasts the path of the wicked and the path of the righteous. There is no wisdom found when walking the path of the fool.
I’m still sticking with my bible helps’ groupings. They even gave me the title for today. “Walk the path of the faithful witness” or “look out for those who manifest lying, scoffing and foolishness.” This is just part of their linking of these verses. It sounds reasonable to me but let’s also remain open to the Spirit as we walk this path.
I feel like the last verse is the key to a LOT of things. It is simple. “Leave the presence of a fool, for there you do not meet words of knowledge” (verse 7). Pretty self-explanatory I think. If you are looking for wisdom, don’t look for it among those who practice perpetual sin. Even if they look to the world like ‘wise’ men, they are NOT. They are living for today only; for their sinful pleasures. This guarantees disaster! And if you link your life to theirs they will take you down with them.
Little by little, what they say and do will become less troublesome to you. After a time you will your behavior conforming to theirs. You too will begin to call ‘sin’, ‘righteousness’. Here comes the “false witness” too. Those who are telling you, “Everything will be alright. This isn’t really a problem. Chill out man.” They may even be telling you that the Bible says what they are doing is fine too. Especially since it was written SO long ago.
NOT! God still calls the same things sin today that He called sin from the foundations of the world. He never changes his character.
The true witness will tell you straight truth. He will warn you of the dangers in your path. He will speak the truth in love. He will NOT cover up sin, even when he/she finds it in their own lives. They open their hearts to the Lord and let Him examine them each day, taking what He says and acting on it.
I read a book once called The Karma Machine. It is not one I’m recommending, but one scene in it would be nice to have. They had this device that they could put in front of the television screen that only allowed the truth to come through. They used it while watching a political debate. You can imagine the results. Wouldn’t it be nice if we had something like this that we could use to ensure that only the truth reached us in our daily lives? Ours ‘device’ is called the Holy Spirit. When you listen to Him, He will point out the truth in what you hear. He will draw you to the true witness and warn you of the false one. And He doesn’t even need electricity or batteries to work! Only an open ear and a willing heart.
“A scoffer seeks wisdom in vain, but the knowledge is easy for a man of understanding” (verse 6). To those who are just reading the Bible to find ways to discredit it, they miss ALL that is in it. They can’t understand it. Their spiritual ears are closed. But to the one whose heart is open to the Lord, reading His word is like feasting on the best there is to offer. The Holy Spirit opens the word of God to those who are truly seeking to understand. To those who have given their lives to Jesus and are working diligently on their relationship with Him.
I had a Biology teacher in high school that told each class that if ANY of us came EVERY DAY to class, regardless of the work they turned in, they would receive at LEAST a D for the term. He said that there is no way someone could come in every day, sit under his teaching, and not learn something from the class. He was serious. I say that there is NO WAY that someone can come to God’s word EVERY DAY and search it without coming away with something from Him. But in order to come EVERY DAY you have to value that time and have at least a minimal relationship with the Lord. Why else would you come? The students came so they could at least pass the class. We come so we can find truth and hope.
“For as the rain and the snow come down from heaven and do not return there but water the earth, making it bring forth and sprout, giving seed to the sower and bread to the eater, so shall my word be that goes out from my mouth; it shall not return to me empty, but it shall accomplish that which I purpose, and shall succeed in the thing for which I sent it” (Isaiah 55:10-11).
You can be certain that God’s word will accomplish what He set out for it to do. And when we diligently seek Him in it, we will find understanding.
Father God, THANK YOU for Your word! Thank You that I can come to it and seek Your character in it. Thank You that Your Holy Spirit opens my heart and mind to what You would have me learn each day. Your word is alive! It is as relevant today as it was the first day it was penned. When I seek the TRUTH I find it in Your word. Thank You for the privilege of owning a couple copies of my own. Some people don’t get that privilege. I pray for these people, that You would protect the words they do receive from false witnesses who would distort Your word, and that someday You will place a copy of Your words in their hands.
Help me recognize “false witnesses” around me and separate myself from them quickly. Also help me separate myself from “fools” who would try and fool me.