Passion Week Positions

We have made it to the most AMAZING week since creation! This week marks man’s return to God. Not a physical return but right-standing with God. Something only HE could do but which we all benefit from.
I want to lay out a couple of “positions” I’m taking on this journey through Jesus’ final “work week.” Feel free to disagree with the points I’m posting. HE was the one who walked this path and without being there in person we REALLY don’t know every detail how everything transpired. We are given amazing firsthand accounts in the gospel but there are still a few questions floating around that create controversy. My aim is not to force you to choose one side or another but to present what I see from the accounts.
My first “position” is for Jesus’ crucifixion to have happened on Wednesday. I say this because, looking at ALL the accounts there had to be two Sabbath days between Jesus’ crucifixion and resurrection. There also had to be one day in between in which to do the work of preparing the spices for anointing Him. This leaves Thursday as a special Sabbath and Saturday as the weekly Sabbath. Check out Luke:23 and Mark 16 for the account of the women.
My second “position” is that Jesus didn’t “rest” while He was in the grave. He worked every moment of that time on breaking the chains Satan had on man. I’m free because of that work. Jesus’ statement, “It is finished” on the cross was for the attornment piece. He still had to “open the doors”, set us free, and clean Heaven. He now makes intercession for us with the Father. It won’t be ALL “finished” until God makes that pronouncement in the end. We read about that “It is finished” in Revelation a little while ago.
My final “position” is that I wasn’t there that week with Him. What I bring to share comes from my time with Him in THIS century and many experts’ work understanding of what was written. But my BIGGEST and BEST source is my relationship with my heavenly Father. I will be bringing what He speaks to my heart; nothing more and nothing less. You are free to walk this week with me under the above stated “positions” or you can sit this one out. Who knows where HE is planning of taking us on this journey.
As my posts arrive in email to you a day after being posted, I’m going to be writing as if I was in the upcoming day instead of sounding always ahead or behind. I hope this doesn’t confuse anyone. So today, (my Saturday) you will get two posts. This one stating my “positions” and the one beginning our week as Jesus enters the city.
Father God, thank You for the opportunity to celebrate this AMAZING week with You on schedule. Please guard my heart and mind as I walk through this week. I do NOT want to share anything that is contrary to Your word. Give me clarity of purpose as I walk with You this week. Open my mind and heart to truly experience the life giving events of this season. I look forward to seeing where YOU are going to take me on this journey!