Numbers 28:16-25 Offering Reminder 4

Today we revisit the Passover offering. This is one of the holiest remembrances for Israel and the start of their religious calendar year.
God has had the people celebrating the Passover every year during their wanderings. I wasn’t sure about this until we read that He called them to commemorate it not long after the Tabernacle was completed. This group of adults grew up with the commemorative ceremonies but didn’t experience the initial event. Or at least they didn’t experience it as adults.
The instructions given here include more than just the elements required to be in the offering. They include the proclamation of two “holy convocations” at the beginning and end of the Holy days. These instructions fix the date of this observance as well as its length. And these instructions include the command for unleavened bread to be eaten during the full week.
God starts His year off with His people with the celebration which speaks of His past and future promise. The angel of death passed over the homes of all whose doorposts bore the blood of the Passover lamb. This event was what Israel was commemorating. That blood had to be applied every year and provided temporary protection. It was an earthly protection.
But that wasn’t the only blood God wanted remembered. We remember and commemorate a better blood. We remember the blood of Jesus. Those who apply His blood to their lives are sealed forever from the second death. Jesus’ blood is a spiritual and Heavenly protection.
I love that God doesn’t begin His new year with a “countdown”, fireworks, or even “Auld Lang Syne.” Instead He starts it off with His people cleaning their homes and hearts and then celebrating the blood sacrifice that made their relationship with Him possible. Israel didn’t recognize it at the time and they don’t accept it now, but God STILL meant it that way. The promise of His Son as the true Passover Lamb. Each year this week’s events cost the lives of 14 bulls, 7 rams, 49 lambs and 7 goats. ONE willing sacrifice accomplished something that this yearly blood bath couldn’t. THE Lamb of God who takes away our sin.
Father God, thank You for sending Your Son Jesus to be my Passover Lamb. Thank You Jesus for willingly laying Your life down. I had, and still have, no right to this precious gift You gave but You let me have it anyway. I like that my year ends with the celebration of Your birth.
We will be remembering Your death and resurrection in another few weeks. Because of not being able to attend church due to my husband’s health, I often let Your special days go by without fanfare. I let a LOT of things simply slip by so as not to distress my husband. Forgive me Lord. He needs to remember as much as I do. Help me find a compromise plan that honors You without distressing or depressing him.
Jesus, I would like to sit down with You and let You explain the sacrifices to me. I don’t know if I understand exactly who gets to eat what and how it all happens. I’m glad it is no longer happening on a daily basis. It hurts my heart thinking of all the animals that had to give their lives in man’s place. Your sacrifice hurts even deeper. I’m SO glad You only had to make that sacrifice once! Help me honor it as it truly deserves.
March 21, 2022 @ 8:26 PM
Hi we are trying to find out how we can get a copy of the art featured in this article of the lamb and Yeshua’s hand and the word Passover in red. Could you please let us know who to contact?
March 23, 2022 @ 12:01 AM
Hi Tali,
Most of the graphics I use are the result of Google searches. I searched for Passover lamb and cross to find this one. Here is the address of the site the picture originally came from.
I hope this helps. Thank you for visiting my site and God bless.
March 27, 2022 @ 12:29 AM
Ok thanks, Annette!