Nahum 1:1-15 Nineveh Again

God is speaking against Nineveh again. Their repentance after Jonah’s message didn’t last. Nahum doesn’t go to them but to God’s people with his message.
We see two sides of God in His words to Judah. We see His angry and avenging side as well as His protective and loving side. Yes. God gets angry, even with His children. But His anger brings about positive change for those He loves.
God brought judgment on His children for their sins. Both Israel and Judah are taken into captivity. God use the nations around them as His instruments of judgment, but they enjoyed their power too much. They moved from discipline to abuse.
Nineveh was the capital of the Assyrian empire. They were a ruthless and bloody people. They were the ones who took the northern kingdom of Israel into captivity. Judah also paid tributes to the Assyrian empire as a vassal kingdom.
The kingdom of Israel fell 135 years before the kingdom of Judah. Assyria was the author of Israel’s fall but not Judah’s. There is at least 100 years between the prophecies of Jonah and Nahum. Some put it more than 150 years between the two. Jonah was set before Israel fell and Nahum between Israel’s fall and Judah’s fall. Nineveh repented at Jonah’s call but turned back to their evil ways by the time Nahum’s prophecy was given.
I was looking at my “Kings and Prophets” chart and found Nahum listed as a prophet to Israel; after their fall. It also lists Daniel as a prophet to Israel. We know that Daniel ministered to those who were taken by Babylon from Judah. But Assyria hadn’t fallen yet by the time Nahum’s prophecy was shared. Were his words for the exiles of Israel in Assyria? Or were they for the people of Judah?
Judah is mentioned in Nahum but so also is God’s promise not to afflict the listeners any more. Judah had not fallen yet, so they WERE going to be afflicted in the future. Once their exile was ended, they would return home to the land and begin to rebuild. They would not have the power of self-rule for a LONG time. There WOULD be oppression and persecution, even up to today’s time. Is it possible that this promise of God is for the end times Israel? When Jesus rules and reigns from Jerusalem.
The prophecy for Nineveh WASN’T for a LONG TIME in the future. It was a near event that would wipe them from the map. God’s anger would SOON put an end to Assyrian rule. He would use Babylon as His hand of judgment. And Babylon too would find its end under His hand BECAUSE OF THEIR treatment of His people.
God’s anger and judgment against those who hurt HIS people is unmistakable. Even Nazi Germany felt His wrath. Not only were they defeated but those who partook were judged and condemned by all the nations. That regime is dead and only lives in the minds of those who are distorted in their beliefs of history. I have NO DOUBT that God will deal with those souls too. Either bring them truth or judgment, depending on HIS accounting, NOT mine.
God’s hand of protection and deliverance for His people is also unmistakable. Our bible is FILLED with examples of His love stepping in and delivering His people from harm. It is also filled with His correction for those who only pretended to be His. ‘Bloodline’ was NOT enough to ensure ‘safety’ or negate responsibility for their actions. And, because of His love, He disciplines those He loves.
Jesus’ blood made a new ‘bloodline’. One built on faith in God. One that began LONG ago, was perfected and opened to all through Jesus’ blood. And one that will continue into eternity. Those of the ‘bloodline’ of faith will see His deliverance and love. Even if it isn’t ALWAYS easy in this life, His hand is on those He loves and calls His own. Those who have given their lives to Him and accepted His free gift of salvation bought through Jesus’ blood. “No weapon that is fashioned against you shall succeed, and you shall refute every tongue that rises against you in judgment. This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord and their vindication from me, declares the Lord” (Isaiah 54:17).
Thank You Father God for being both my protection and my vindication. I haven’t had many needs for vindication, but those that I have encountered, YOU have protected and delivered me. Those who stood against me in the wrong fell. I KNOW this was YOUR doing. I have seen Your fingerprints all over my life. This ‘vindication’ and judgment on my oppressors also extends to the spiritual realm. Satan has been ‘slapped down’ on my behalf MORE TIMES THAN I CAN REMEMBER! I have walked through the fire but NEVER alone. You ALWAYS walk with me and direct my steps. I TRUST YOU!