Micah 4:1-5 God’s Mountain

God’s mountain will be lifted high above ALL else when Jesus rules from there. ALL nations will flow to Him and peace will reign on earth.
We KNOW this is a future event because there hasn’t been complete peace on earth since Adam and Eve left the garden. This has to be the time during which Satan is bound because, once freed, there will again be another great war. After that final battle, ALL will be judged. God says that there will be a new heaven and new earth which will know no sin.
What an AMAZING time to live this will be. No fear at all. No wars. And Jesus will be present on the earth as its ultimate ruler. I can’t say there will be NO conflicts though, because we are told that Jesus “shall judge between many peoples, and shall decide disputes for strong nations far away” (verse 3a). AFTER Jesus renders these judgments, “they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruning hooks; nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war anymore” (verse 3b).
Does this mean that, after the battle of Armageddon, there will be a gradual change? The battle itself will be decisive. The valley will be FILLED with the slain WHO OPPOSED JESUS. But the nations far away from the actual battle may still be divided in allegiance. They will soon welcome Jesus’ rule because of the peace He brings, but what of the old ‘dividing lines’? How quickly will they forget their differences? Will Jesus have to impose His will on them or will they gratefully bend and bow to Him?
These are questions for a while from now. It is not happening today. Nor was it imminent when Micah told the people of it that day. What was important for the people to know though was that there WAS a glorious future beyond what they were experiencing at the time. There was life beyond the captivity that was in store for them. There was a promise of peace among the nations. Something they had never known. And there was a promise of righteous leadership. Something else they had never known.
There was, and IS, HOPE. Beyond what we see now. More certain than the sun rising in the morning. But it isn’t until AFTER the sin is dealt with. We are a FAR CRY from that moment. We, just like Israel in that day, are a world FAR from where we need to be. We WILL get to that day though, for this promise is as much for us as it was for Israel and Judah. A SURE hope for tomorrow!
One last thing I want to mention. I don’t really think Mt. Zion will rise in physical height above all mountains. It is MUCH lower that the highest mountains. It will rise in spiritual stature and importance. It will be where Jesus rules and reigns from. It will be the focal point of the WHOLE earth.
Father God, THANK YOU for that hope! L am excited about that day! Where will I be on that day? Will I be riding with Jesus as He descends from Heaven on a white horse? Will I be watching from Heaven and cheering Him on? Where will I be when He comes? I KNOW I will be on Your side; just not the role I will have at the moment of Your return.