Malachi 4:1-6 Great Day

God is speaking to Israel, through Malachi, of a coming Great Day. Before this day comes, there are a few things that have to line up. But it IS coming!
When looking at this prophecy, I see several great days. The first of those “great days” is the birth of John the Baptist. He will carry the spirit of Elijah. He is the man God prepared from before his conception. He wasn’t the only one who was prepared before conception, but he is the one who will herald the coming of the Messiah; Jesus. John would call the people back to the Lord. He would warn them of what was coming. MANY would hear him. Of those, many would listen and many would reject his message. His appearance would get the people talking among themselves.
The next “great day” I see is the birth of Jesus and then the beginning of His ministry on earth. We don’t know a lot about Jesus’ childhood, but we do know that He was about His Father’s business from the beginning. Even as a boy, He was found teaching the teachers in the Temple.
The Great Day that God references first is a little harder to pin down. We know it is still to come, for ALL the “arrogant and all evildoers” have not been burned up yet. I’m curious if this will happen when He returns the next time or if it will be after the FINAL battle with Satan.
The reason I’m asking this is because, after Satan is released, he will gather an army of men to fight against the army of God. Those who are “born again” in Christ can not be snatched from His hand. Satan can deceive us for a time but we are HIS for eternity! When Jesus returns, He will fight a centralized battle. I have never heard of a battle or war where EVERYONE fights in it. There has to be some who ‘stay home’. So, will those not killed in battle be allowed to enter Jesus’ millennial reign? Or will ALL who wear the mark of the beast die that day? And will there be those who wear neither ‘mark’ at that time; the mark of the beast or the seal of the Father?
We are not told how God deals with those who are not in attendance that day, nor exactly where those who rise up against Him after 1,000 years of Jesus’ reign come from. We do see Him burn up those who come against “the camp of the saints and the beloved city”. They are consumed with fire. “And they marched up over the broad plain of the earth and surrounded the camp of the saints and the beloved city, but fire came down from heaven and consumed them” (Revelation 20:9). These could be those whose ashes are being walked upon in our reading today. “But for you who fear my name, the sun of righteousness shall rise with healing in its wings. You shall go out leaping like calves from the stall. And you shall tread down the wicked, for they will be ashes under the soles of your feet, on the day when I act, says the Lord of hosts” (verses 2-3). This could be from either time of major war with Satan.
God also tells us that there will be a new heaven and a new earth. One without even a sea. One unspoiled by sin. I don’t know God’s timeline or exact sequence, and I don’t HAVE to in order to believe Him. All I know for CERTAIN is that God LOVES us and has a plan for His people. NOTHING can stop that plan. Nor can anything alter the steps HE has ordained to reach that place. I’m in it for the LONG HAUL!!!
Father God, I have SO many questions that I KNOW You are not ready to answer yet. I don’t need those answers to trust You. If I had all the answers, it would probably scare me to death! It would also take away my need to rely on You for my future. I trust You to bring me through whatever You have in store for me.
Thank You Holy Spirit for walking me all the way through God’s word. I’m excited, and a little anxious, as to where You will take me next. I feel a pull to write some ‘first person stories’ for some of the events that happened along our journey. If this is where You are taking me next, please give me YOUR insight into the events. Spark my imagination so I can see the people clearly and understand their involvement. Lead on Holy Spirit. I am ready to follow.