Malachi 1:6-14 Insulted

God called for the BEST in sacrifices to Him. Israel is bringing to Him the ‘left overs’, weak, or blemished. God is INSULTED by their sacrifices.
Have you heard of a “white elephant” gift exchange? It is where each person brings something that they don’t really use or want as a gift for someone else. It’s like a “yard sale”. Someone’s castoffs become someone else’s prizes (or problems). But even in a white elephant exchange or yard sale, you DON’T present JUNK. You don’t put out the stuffed animal with its eyes ripped out. You don’t offer broken dishes for sale. You present usable items that you no longer have a need or desire to hold onto.
I once got a game that I enjoyed as a youth but hadn’t played for YEARS in a white elephant exchange. Those who brought it were astonished that someone actually wanted this game. It hadn’t even been removed from the packaging in their home. There is something to be said for sharing what you don’t want with others who might want it; offering your left overs.
BUT THIS IS NOT WHAT YOU OFFER TO GOD. The priests were offering the worst they had instead of their best. This was/is an insult to God! The Creator of ALL the universe, the Lover of my soul, my ONLY Hope deserves the BEST I have to offer; and the best you have to offer too.
God called for the “first fruits” and the “unblemished” portions. HE provided ALL that the people had to begin with. It was HIS blessings and protection that allowed them to have anything at all. So, He has EARNED His ‘pick of the litter’. He had a right to respect, recognition, and gratitude for ALL He had done.
God is NOT saying that He doesn’t want the broken, the lame, the blind, or those with defect in people. He chose the LOWEST in society to welcome His Son into the world! He LOVES those whom the world deems unlovable. But, even from them, He requires their BEST. He deserves to be FIRST in their hearts.
My best will NOT compare to the ‘rich man’s’ best. God KNEW this and He even made provisions for it when prescribing the sacrifices to be offered. He required less from those who had less to give, but what they DID give HAD to be the BEST they could bring. The priests were not offering their best. They were offering their worst.
How would you feel if you were in His place? YOUR children. The ones you nurtured from day one. The ones you LOVE with ALL your heart. They made you an ‘afterthought’. They deemed you not worthy of their time or energy. If you got anything, it was the grudging ‘left overs’ of their time.
Yes. Children go through this natural, and healthy, process of pulling away and becoming their own person. Most spend more time with their friends than their family in their later years of adolescence. But they turn again to their parents for advice and encouragement in their adult years. Their respect resurges when they become parents. Nothing can ever truly replace you in their hearts.
When it comes to God, we are forever His children. We will NEVER be able to attain the status or fill the position He holds in this universe. We cannot provide as He does. We don’t posses the knowledge or power that He holds. We will NEVER be in His place. If you EVER think you have a tough job or day, imagine what HIS is like! You have a tiny speck of the responsibility He holds. He is responsible for ensuring that EVERY molecule of creation remains in place and moves along the path He created for it. THAT ALONE is enough to drive me to my knees in respect and admiration!
He DESERVES our BEST!!! He deserved Israel’s best too, but they were withholding it. And He was correcting that attitude. I wonder if they got the message ‘loud and clear’ or if they pretended they didn’t understand. I know it wasn’t the last time they ran into this issue. Jesus addressed it again as He chased the money changers and such out of the Temple.
I ask you to examine your heart. Are you giving God your ‘best’ or only what is ‘left over’? I know I have been guilty of giving Him ‘left overs’ myself. Not all the time but certainly during some seasons. He is WORTHY of our BEST!
Father God, THANK YOU for loving me and giving me YOUR BEST. NO ONE could give MORE that You did when You gave me Your Son, Jesus. YOU are WORTHY of my BEST! I want You to be FIRST in my heart and mind at ALL times.
Father God, You know how I often become tired during our time together. It is NOT because I don’t want to spend QUALITY time with You. Help me overcome this tendency. Thank You for helping me focus during our time together and for speaking into my spirit what You want me to learn each day. You ALWAYS bring Your BEST to our time together. Remind me to always bring my BEST too.