Luke 23:32-43 The Stage is Set

Jesus takes the cross today. The stage is set for Jesus’ final gift to man. His ultimate sacrifice. The reason He can pray confidently, “Father, forgive them.”
Jesus was without sin, without guilt, when He went to the cross. Every charge brought against Him was found to be baseless upon unbiased examination. The High Priest and the Sanhedrin were NOT fair in their judgement. They were not impartial and had convicted Him before even bringing Him to trial. But Pilate and Herod both judged Him according to the evidence. He was innocent of ALL charges. He went to the cross sinless.
He walked through His whole life adhering to His Father’s will. He was even guiltless before reaching the age of accountability; His bar mitzvah. Jesus performed the central requirement of the law that none of us ever could; He lived a completely righteous life.
I know you know this but tonight I saw Jesus’ request to the Father through new eyes. When Jesus was hanging suspended between God and man He made a request of the Father. He didn’t say, “If You can find it in Your heart”, or “Do You think You might” but He spoke directly to the Father on behalf of those currently torturing Him. He spoke in faith. He spoke knowing what His actions were securing.
“Father, because I am doing this now, You now have the power to completely forgive and pardon them for what they are doing now. Please mark their debt ‘Paid in full’ for their actions.”
Jesus had refused to condemn others and forgiven sin from those He ministered to, but after this day He would have the full right to convey that forgiveness for eternity. Now His Father could forgive them too.
This is what the Father wanted to do all along. God doesn’t want to hold our sins against us. He doesn’t want the separation that it causes. He has always wanted fellowship with us, but He couldn’t have that until there was a way to wipe our sins from existence. A way for permanent atonement for our sins.
I know I’m rambling, but Jesus words that day set the tone for eternity! Now the Father CAN forgive us! From the moment of Jesus’ death, God had a way of restoring what had been lost so long ago. He had true, unrestricted fellowship with man again. PRAISE GOD! Thank You Jesus!!
Father God, THANK YOU for making a way for me to be truly forgiven. Thank You Jesus for paying the ultimate sacrifice! Thank You that You endured it all so You could offer me complete forgiveness. Thank You for showing me that today. Thank You for touching my heart with Your truth. I know I rambled on and repeated myself today, but I trust we went here for a reason. I know this message is for me, but I pray You share that same deep conviction with the person who needs to KNOW this too.
October 5, 2017 @ 3:21 AM
hi, i just read some of your post and i shared this post on my facebook (if you dont mind) will follow you and read more of your post from now on…thanks.
October 5, 2017 @ 4:55 AM
Hi Charolette. Thanks for visiting my page. Feel free to share anything you want on your Facebook page. All I ask is that if you share something from the Lessons Learned on Daddy’s Lap page that you give me credit for it. Everything else here is what God has shared with me and I hold no claim to it. I’m more than happy to see His word spread. I pray it touched your life and will touch many others through your sharing it. Please feel free to join in again anytime.