Luke 1:46-56 Mary’s Heart Sings

We get to read Mary’s heart pouring out in thanksgiving today. This is a beautiful song that is full of joy for herself and for all of Israel. I imagine her standing there with arms raised and tears streaming down her face in pure joy and relief. Joy at the gift and relief at having someone to share it with.
When I was looking at our authors, Luke in particular, I was told that he probably did a lot of interviewing during his compilation of his letter. One of the people he most likely interviewed was Mary, Jesus’ own mother. How else would he have known of this beautiful song? God put this song in Mary’s heart at the time of her initial meeting with Elizabeth. It was so special to her that she remembered it even after Jesus had completed His earthly work. She was able to share in detail her song of praise. I wonder what tune she put to it. Was it a musical song or a poem?
Mary’s heart was bursting with joy! She had not shared her experience with anyone yet. She, more likely than not, didn’t even know where to begin her story. This would also be a story that she would keep quiet, at least until after Jesus’ resurrection. After that, we are pretty sure she shared it with Luke and probably the rest of Jesus’ disciples. Through Luke she shared it with the rest of the world.
I can just imagine the whispers, rumors, and possible sentence of death that she would face if she went public at this point. But she needed support and someone to share her secret with. God provided Elizabeth. Because of how Elizabeth responded to Mary’s greeting, she knew she could safely say anything to Elizabeth. Now that song in her heart could break free!
Mary’s song started with a focus on herself and what this gift of God meant to her personally. “From now on all generations will call me blessed” (verse 48). Mary was a humble and girl of lower class. She was NOT someone a king would pick as the mother of his child. Yet her King picked her. She was not being prideful in her focus on herself but rather stating how in awe of God she was and the fact that He chose her.
The second part of her song focused on how God uses the simple, common, and sometimes lowliest of servants to affect the biggest changes. God didn’t choose aristocracy to be the family for His Son. Even the town He prepared for Jesus to grow up in was NOT one of the cultured learning centers. Even the people living nearby had a low opinion of those growing up in that town. “Can anything good come out of Nazareth” (John 1:46). This was said by Phillip when Nathaniel told him that they had found the Messiah and that He was from Nazareth.
The last part of Mary’s song focuses on the fulfillment of prophecy that this pregnancy will bring. Gabriel had told Mary specifically that this baby she was carrying would restore the kingdom and reclaim the throne of David. Mary most certainly didn’t realize this was going to be a multi-phase process and that the Kingdom in question was initially a spiritual Kingdom, not an earthly one. Later on Jesus will take on a physical throne. But she knew His Kingdom would never end. That alone was worth celebrating.
Father God, thank You for giving Mary someone to talk to. Thank You for removing the fear of how she was going to broach the subject with Elizabeth. You paved the way for her to be completely open and honest with Elizabeth. Lord You have paved the way for me on a few occasions. You have answered my needs, even before the prayer for help was ever spoken. For those gracious gifts, THANK YOU. Thank You for putting music into my heart too, including “music” in the form of poetry. I eagerly await the next time You bring me a “new song.”