Luke 11:27-28 True Blessedness

We get to hear from an exuberant woman in the crowd where Jesus was teaching. He recently freed a mute man, contended with the religious leaders over their blasphemy of the Holy Spirit, and provided an important warning for those He freed from Satan’s clutches. It’s been an eventful day! This won’t be the end of the day either.
Luke tells us that this woman spoke up as Jesus was talking about the danger of returning demons. I’m wondering what prompted her to speak out as she did. Was the man who was freed her son? Did she know him personally? She apparently was very moved by Jesus, His works, and His words. She reminds me of Jesus’ statement about the rocks crying out if those praising Him as He came into Jerusalem were silent. She wasn’t letting any rocks cry out.
I’m going to assume she was a mother too. She was saying that Jesus’ mother must have been an extraordinary woman to have raised such a Son. We certainly agree, but Jesus tells her that His mother’s blessing didn’t come from birthing Him but from believing the word of God and doing what it told her to do.
Jesus says that anyone can be blessed that way; not just His mother. True blessings come from believing the word of God and doing what it says. Plain and simple. Jesus was sharing God’s word and His new covenant every day with these people. God shared it with us through His Holy Spirit inspiring these writers. He also protected His word through every translation process and compilation effort.
I’ve heard it said, recently even, that because the bible was written over centuries and by so many authors that it can’t possibly be relevant today. I say hogwash! Archeology has uncovered numerous examples of direct proof of what is written in our bible. Independent historical documents record events just as the bible purports them to have happened. No, I don’t have case notes to present for each proof but I trust those who do.
Another argument is that the bible has been compiled and translated repeated times. Error must have crept in somewhere. I agree that some of the modern translations have minor differences but those differences are not significant enough to change or negate the authenticity of the bible.
Bottom line is, if the God who hung the stars can’t protect His own word then He wouldn’t be much of a God. You either believe God and His word or you don’t. I believe the Holy Spirit was present at every stroke of the pen from “in the beginning” to the latest translation. Blessed are those who hear the word of God and keep it!
Father God, thank You for Your word. Thank You for protecting it throughout history. Thank You Jesus for living out Your Father’s word in our presence. Holy Spirit, thank You for guiding and inspiring every stroke of the pen. I may not understand everything contained between the covers but I accept and cherish it. Please help me live according to You word.