Luke 10:38-42 A Tale of Two Sisters

Luke introduces us to two sisters today. At this point he doesn’t share with us that they also have a brother. His name is Lazarus. We join Jesus and His disciples as they come to the home of these friends of Jesus.
Luke tells us that the home is Martha’s home. I don’t know if he stated it this way because the story is primarily about Martha or if she was the owner or master of the home. From Luke’s story I believe we see that Jesus was a familiar guest in this home. I say this for a few reasons. First of all, Mary was comfortable enough in Jesus’ presence to join in with His disciples at His feet. This is NOT the normal place for a woman. Another reason I think Jesus was familiar with this family is that Martha went directly to Jesus to get Him to urge Mary back into her place in the kitchen. If He had been a new guest Martha might have had one of the servants or her brother deal with her sister instead. The last reason for my conclusion is Jesus’ address to Martha. When Jesus dined at other homes He did not set the agenda for the meals. He ate what was set before Him and followed the rules of guest etiquette. Here He tells Martha that she is making a big fuss where none is needed. Mary has chosen the important thing during this visit.
Now I would like to take a look at this day through the eyes of both women. Let’s join Martha in her day first.
Martha got up early, as was her custom. There were always chores to do and meals to fix for this family of three. Her domain was the kitchen where she reigned supreme. She was known throughout Bethany as the best hostess, cook, and house keeper. She earned these titles well. Her home was always immaculate and when guests arrived they would be sure to leave overstuffed with the delicious dishes Martha prepared.
Today Martha was up earlier than usual because they were expecting special company. Jesus was in the area and He and His disciples usually stopped by whenever they were nearby. Martha began preparations for His visit as soon as her feet hit the floor. She cleaned and scrubbed every inch of her home, paying close attention to the guest room where Jesus often shared His insight with her brother Lazarus and Jesus’ own disciples. She made sure there was plenty of seating for everyone expected in His party.
Martha also began preparing for the meals she would be serving her guests. Only the best dishes would grace her table, but with such a large contingent coming she had a LOT of work to do. She enlisted the services of her sister, Mary. The two women had done this dance many times before. Mary was used to Martha taking the reins when it came to entertaining.
Martha was a little frustrated with Mary today as she seemed to be a bit distracted during the meal preparation. Mary frequently paused and talked about ideas she had heard Jesus speaking about on previous visits. Mary also wondered out loud what Jesus might teach them during this visit. Martha had to redirect Mary back on task many times in order to finish the meal preparations before their guests arrived.
Jesus and His disciples arrived at the beginning of the ninth hour (the ninth hour is between 3 pm and sunset our time). Lazarus greeted each man in Jesus’ company with a kiss and accompanied them as they walked through the field surrounding the home. Mary went out into the yard as the group approached the house. Martha stayed on the porch with fresh water, oil, and towels for each man as they entered.
As the group reached the porch Martha welcomed each guest with a drink of water and oil for their head. She also had a servant ready with a basin, water, and towel to wash each man’s feet upon entering. It was always a busy time when welcoming guests into the home and Martha made sure it was done properly.
After everyone was comfortably seated in the guest room Martha began making final preparations for serving the evening meal. Mary helped set out the dishes and bring the meal into the guest room. The men served themselves from the dishes provided. Martha watched the dishes and quickly refreshed each platter and bowl as its contents were moved onto waiting plates. Martha made MANY trips between the kitchen and the guest room, bringing refills and adding additional items to the table.
Conversation was light in the beginning of the meal but picked up as it progressed. After the main meal was consumed Martha began removing dishes from the table and replacing them with delightful deserts. She also noticed that Mary had stopped serving and actually sat down near Jesus’ feet.
What did Mary think she was doing? She needed her help. There were dishes to remove, tables to clean, desert to offer, food to put away, … Besides that, that was no place for a woman! A woman’s place was behind the scene, not sitting at the feet of an honored male guest.
Martha held her peace as long as possible but enough was enough. She tried catching Mary’s eye on several occasions. She was successful once and tried to signal Mary to join her but Mary remained where she was. It was time to be bold now and ask Jesus to tell Mary to get up and help her.
With a cross look towards her sister, Martha speaks up. “Excuse the interruption Jesus, but would You please tell Mary to get out here and help me in the kitchen?” Martha fully expected Jesus to reprimand Mary and send her on her way.
Instead of scolding Mary Jesus looks directly at Martha. His has a look of disappointment on His face as He addresses her. “Martha, you are making too much fuss over everything. The meal was wonderful but you needn’t keep on and on serving. Mary has chosen to sit and listen and learn from Me. I won’t take that away from her. Have you heard any of what I have been talking about tonight?”
Martha stutters, “I’ve been busy. I’ve heard bits here and there, but haven’t been able to hear everything.”
Jesus smiles; “By being still Mary has. She has chosen the more important thing. All the rest can wait.”
Poor Martha. We don’t know if she stopped right then and there and joined Mary or not. Maybe she did and we simply don’t get to hear about it. I wonder if she did better in subsequent visits by Jesus.
Ok, it’s Mary’s turn to share her day with us. Contrary to what some may think, Mary is not a slacker. She works hard in this family too. She simply has a different gifting.
Mary rose with the chickens. Her job in the family was tending to the animals. She had a gentle spirit and a quiet way about her that the animals responded to very well. Mary quickly fed the animals, gathered the eggs, and milked the goats. She was in a hurry today because they were expecting a visit from Jesus. Mary knew Martha would request her to help in the dinner preparations. She also knew to stay out of Martha’s way as she scrubbed the house to a fine shine first.
Once all the animals’ needs were taken care of Mary made sure to wash up and change her clothes. She didn’t want to introduce dirt into Martha’s clean kitchen.
Mary joined Martha in the kitchen and submitted to whatever task was assigned. Several times during the work Mary would bring up a topic Jesus had addressed during a previous visit. She attempted to engage Martha in conversation regarding some of the points she remembered, but Martha refused to cooperate. Instead Martha directed her to keep her mind on her work. These “redirections” were gentle at first, but as Mary’s mind kept being drawn to Jesus’ teachings, Martha’s remarks became sharper. Mary finally decided that she should probably keep quiet and keep busy.
Jesus and His disciples arrived at the beginning of the ninth hour (the ninth hour is between 3 pm and sunset our time). Lazarus greeted each man in Jesus’ company with a kiss and accompanied them as they walked through the field surrounding the home. Mary went out into the yard as the group approached the house. Mary welcomed Jesus’ group with a huge smile and asked how their journey was. Martha stayed on the porch for the “official” welcome.
As the group reached the porch Martha welcomed each guest with a drink of water and oil for their head. She also had a servant ready with a basin, water, and towel to wash each man’s feet upon entering. Mary chatted with Jesus and His disciples as they took turns with washing their feet. She wanted to hear all about the people they had ministered to and the places they had been.
After everyone was comfortably seated in the guest room Mary helped Martha set out the dishes and bring the meal into the guest room. The men served themselves from the dishes provided. Mary waited quietly until everyone was served and enjoying their meal before getting a plate for herself. Conversation started shortly after the meal was set out and Mary didn’t want to miss a single word Jesus said so she simply stayed put.
As the meal wound down Mary joined Jesus’ disciples who were seated around him. She hung on His every word. Out of the corner of her eye she noticed Martha, who seemed to be trying to catch her attention. She looked in Martha’s direction once but shook her head no when Martha tried to get her to join her. A few more minutes passed and then Martha approached Jesus.
Martha was looking directly at her when she addressed Jesus and the look on her face said it all. She was NOT happy with Mary. “Excuse the interruption Jesus, but would You please tell Mary to get out here and help me in the kitchen?”
Mary’s mouth dropped open! She was mortified! But before she could respond Jesus took up for her. Instead of scolding Mary Jesus looks directly at Martha. His has a look of disappointment on His face as He addresses her. “Martha, you are making too much fuss over everything. The meal was wonderful but you needn’t keep on and on serving. Mary has chosen to sit and listen and learn from Me. I won’t take that away from her. Have you heard any of what I have been talking about tonight?”
Martha stutters, “I’ve been busy. I’ve heard bits here and there, but haven’t been able to hear everything.”
Jesus smiles; “By being still Mary has. She has chosen the more important thing. All the rest can wait.”
We are not told what Mary’s reaction was either to Jesus defending her. Did she gloat at her sister? Did she reach out a hand and invite Martha to join her at Jesus’ feet? Did she help Martha reign in her hostess behavior on subsequent visits?
Jesus’ admonition of Martha did not negate His gratitude for the services she had provided. I’m certain He was thankful for the meal, but it didn’t need to be an extravagant one. Our story says that “Martha was distracted with much serving” (verse 40), indicating she went overboard on her duties as hostess. Jesus would have been satisfied with simple bread and fish, like in the feeding of the large crowds. He didn’t want all her fuss over Him. He wanted to speak into her life instead. He wanted to speak into the lives of this whole family, but she was too busy to listen. Yes, some work was necessary, but know when to let the rest wait and simply sit still and listen. That was the lesson Mary already knew and Martha learned that day.
Father God, I don’t sit still and listen often enough. I know You know, but I’m going to say it out loud (in writing) because confession is good for me. I often continue with my tasks while my husband prays. It started out as him not waiting until I sat down to join him to the point of I continue quietly in whatever task I am engaged in. Please forgive me for the disrespect this implies to You and him. Sometimes I get so busy writing about Your word that I forget to listen too. Occasionally I even forget to formally invite You into my process until the end. Explanation not excuse: on those days it often is that I looked ahead and felt You shared something with me during that time and just rush to get that on paper when the time comes. I am truly sorry for those times Lord. I want YOU always to be the author and director of my words. I want to hear Your Spirit and follow where You lead. Forgive me for every time I ran ahead and tried to drag You along on my path. I was just reminded of one such “trip” recently and how You changed the whole thing around at the end and brought out something TOTALLY different than the direction I thought we were headed. Thank You for those times Lord. It gives me hope and reassurance that You can still use me, even when I get in our way.