Kings 8:25-29 Ahaziah’s Reign

We get a snapshot of Ahaziah’s reign. He is the son of Jehoram/Joram of Judah. He follows in his father’s footsteps of sin. And will pay with his life, later.
Ahaziah’s reign is the shortest in Judah. He rules for one year. Israel had several short reigning kings. Zimri who ruled for only seven days was the shortest in Israel. The ones with very short reigns are due to assassination. Ahaziah fills both those pieces in his reign. We won’t see his assassination for a little while but we know right up front that his reign was for only one year.
I have discovered that “one year”, when it comes to reporting time in office, does NOT mean one full calendar year. It can be anywhere between a month and twelve months. Two years means one year and a day to two full years. It makes it a bit challenging in figuring the real overlap between the two kingdoms.
In Ahaziah’s single year he established himself in the same camp as Ahab; idolatrous. He did not seek the Lord but Baal and other false gods. He also led the people into continuing the same. I say continuing because his father, Jehoram/Joram of Judah, had already reestablished worship at the high places. Asa and Jehoshaphat had taken them down but Jehoram brought them right back.
God wasn’t sitting around and hoping things would get better. One of the things God used was Hazel, king of Syria. We have seen God use kings from other nations to discipline His children. This is one such example.
Hazel had killed Ben-hadad of Syria and became king in his place. Elisha told him that he would commit horrible atrocities against Israel. It starts with war between the two nations. Joram of Israel was bested by him and fled back to Jezreel to heal from his wounds. Ahaziah has compassion on him, as they were related, comes to offer him comfort. We will see the outcome of that in a few days.
The ‘moral’ of this story is to be careful in picking your friends. Joram and Ahaziah were more than just friends; they were related. Sometimes, for your own sanity and safety, you have to distance yourself from some of your relatives. God is to be FIRST. If that means severing relationships with those who are adamantly against him may be necessary. You need to continue to love them and pray for them but you don’t have to associate yourselves with them. Guard your heart!
Father God, thank You for my parents who do love You with all their hearts. Thank You that they introduced me to You. I struggle in relationship with some of my siblings. The ones who are not serving You. I love them but I don’t have any desire to hang out with them.
I feel the same way with one of my children. I LONG to be closer to him and share You with him but he is not open right now. This is difficult for me to do as his mother but YOU come first. I still appreciate and love the time we do get to spend together. But I have resigned myself to the fact that I probably won’t be the one to bring him back to You. I leave that in Your hands.
Help me be Your hands and feet, even to those who are actively resisting Your love. Protect me from those who would influence me to step away from You. Keep me tucked tightly under Your wing.