Judges Whatever Seems Right

Israel has no king and no judge. The people all do “whatever seems right to them”. A man named Micah starts a project of an idol. That idol does some traveling.
None of the people mentioned in this story would make the cut for godly men; in MY opinion. Reason number one is idol worship. That is on the TOP of God’s list of “Do Not…”. Which leads me to ask why this story was included in the Bible? I wonder if it is because Dan took this idol and made it their central focus of worship for a LONG time.
This story makes me sad. I know there wasn’t anyone there to point them in the right direction, but they STILL had the Tabernacle and God’s Law. They should have known better than to make an idol. And knowing God’s law, I want to reach back and smack them every time they use the name of the Lord to whitewash their sin. To cry out to them; GOD DOESN’T SHARE HIS THRONE WITH IDOLS! This story also starts with another sin; theft. Micah stole 1,100 silver shekels from his mother. Let’s join this distasteful story and see where the Spirit takes us with it today.
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Micah is a greedy man. He also has ‘sticky fingers’. What’s mine is mine, and what’s yours is min whenever I might need, or want, it. Micah didn’t really have any “needs” as he came from a wealthy family. But that never stopped him from “wanting” more.
One day, Micah discovered a secret stash of money in the family home. He didn’t know exactly who it belonged to, but he knew it wasn’t his. Rather than asking whose it was, or leaving it where he found it, Micah looked around him and, seeing no one was watching, he put it in his purse.
A few days later, Micah overheard his mother talking with one of the servants. They were searching the whole house, looking for the money that Micah had taken.
“I know it has to be here somewhere! Eleven hundred shekels doesn’t just up and walk away.”
“It does if someone takes it” the servant replied.
“Cursed be anyone who took my money and doesn’t return it to me! May their pockets be ever empty and their health fail them.”
Micah was frightened by the vehemence in his mother’s voice and the curse she pronounced on the thief. He wrestled with her words all that day and the next too. In her curse, his mother had left him a way out. If he returned the money, he wouldn’t suffer the curse.
Micah decided that he HAD to come clean. If he didn’t, this would eat at him forever. And who knows; maybe his mother’s curse would come true in his life.
While Micah’s mother was preparing dinner the evening Micah determined to tell the truth, he walked up behind her.
“Ima. I have something to tell you.”
Micah’s mother lifted her head from where she was working and turned her attention to her son.
“The eleven hundred shekels of silver that were taken from you and about which I heard you utter a curse—…” Micah dropped his head in shame as he continued. “…I have that silver with me; I took it.” (Judges 17:2a) he whispered.
Micah’s mother threw her arms in the air and stepped toward Micah. She embraced him and cried out; “The Lord bless you, my son!” (Judges 17:2b)
Micah was thrilled AND surprised by her actions. “Ima, didn’t you hear me? I took it.”
“And you returned it too” she said as she held him at arm’s length so she could gaze into his face.
Micah blushed. Then he pulled the money from his purse and placed it in his mother’s hands.
His mother wrapped her hands around it and brought it to her chest. “I solemnly consecrate my silver to the Lord for my son to make an image overlaid with silver. I will give it back to you.”
The next morning Micah’s mother took the 200 shekels of silver to the silversmith, along with the pouch containing the 1,100 shekels of silver. “I have dedicated this silver to the Lord to make an image with. Melt these down and use them to create an image and overlay it with silver.”
“Do you have any specific image you want me to create” the silversmith asked.
“This image will be for my son, so make what you think is best. I will give it to him.”
The silversmith worked diligently on the image for a week. When it was finished, he called for Micah’s mother. “Your image is ready. Come and pick it up.”
Micah’s mother saw the image that the silversmith had made and tears came to her eyes. It was in the likeness of the cherubim that are woven into the walls of the Tabernacle. “This is perfect” she exclaimed.
The silversmith was flattered by her praise. He carefully wrapped the image in a cloth and handed it to Micah’s mother. She took it and clutched it protectively to her breast. From the silversmith’s shop, she went straight to the home of her son.
“Shalom Micah” she called out as she neared the door.
Upon hearing his mother’s voice and her greeting, Micah quickly made his way to the door. He opened it for her and greeted her with a kiss on the cheek.
“Shalom Ima. It’s nice to see you.” He noticed she was carrying something. He was not rude enough to ask her about it. “If she wants me to know what she has, she will show me it” he reasoned.
Instead of stepping into the house, his mother stood in the doorway, smiling.
“Are you coming in Ima” Micah asked.
“In a moment. I just wanted another look at your handsome face.”
“Oh Ima, you say the strangest things” Micah laughed.
“Well, I really want to see your face when you see what I have brought you.” She carefully began unwrapping the image the silversmith had created.
Micah’s eyes go wide as he sees the beauty of the piece. “May I touch it” he asks his mother.
“Of course you can. It is yours after all.”
“Where did you find this Ima? I is exquisite!”
“It is the image I had made from the silver I dedicated to the Lord. I am giving it back to you now.”
Micah hugged his mother and drew her into the house. Micah’s house already had a shrine and KNEW that this would be perfect in it. He held the image gently while he rearranged the items in his shrine so the new image would fit. He gave it center place of prominence for display. Micah stepped back and wrapped his arm around his mother’s shoulder. The two of them stood side by side, admiring the image. After about five minutes they dragged their eyes away from the shrine and went into the kitchen.
Micah started talking about his plans for his shrine. “I’m going to have an ephod made; like the ones the Levites wear, and I’m going to appoint Daniel, my eldest son, as my priest. He has the most knowledge pertaining to the Lord of all of my sons.” Micah looked around his house with a fresh eye. “I think I should get some household gods too. I have been lax in not attending to this before.”
By the end of the week, Micah had his shrine and house in order. He justified all he had done, including installing his son as his priest. He believed he was closer to the Lord already. And the fact that he no longer took whatever he wanted proved that to him. He was a godly man now.
While Micah was enjoying his new found dedication, another was getting tired of the situation he was in. A young Levite, who was living in the Bethlehem, became discontent. He didn’t feel he was getting the recognition he deserved. “Surely there is a better place for me to serve the Lord than here” he said to himself. So, he set off in search of that ‘better place’.
As he traveled into the hills of Ephraim, he chanced to come upon the home of Micah. Micah greeted him warmly. “Where are you from?” (Judges 17:9a)
“I’m a Levite from Bethlehem in Judah,” he said, “and I’m looking for a place to stay.” (Judges 17:9b)
Micah couldn’t believe his luck! It sounded like a ‘match made in heaven’. Micah said to him; “Live with me and be my father and priest, and I’ll give you ten shekels of silver a year, your clothes and your food.” (Judges 17:10)
The Levite was overjoyed. He had found a place to stay, a man who truly wanted his services, and a family to belong to. “I would be honored to serve you in this manner.”
Micah and the Levite were both very happy with the arrangement. They became so close that Micah thought of the Levite as one of his own sons.
Time marched on for the people of Israel. The tribe of Dan was becoming restless. They had not been able to move into their inheritance. Zorah and Eshtaol were the only cities that they could claim as their own. They needed more room to spread out. It was time to look for somewhere else to settle. Somewhere that had plenty of space for them, the resources that would make living easy, and a people that would be easy to conquer. Five spies were sent out in search of such a place.
While the spies were on their mission of discovery, they came across the house of Micah. As they got close, they heard a familiar voice. It was of a young Levite that they had known some time ago. Following his voice, they met him at Micah’s home. Surprised to see him this far north they peppered him with questions. “Who brought you here? What are you doing in this place? Why are you here?” (Judges 18:3)
The young Levite was surprised to see them too. He readily told them about how he and Micah had met and all that Micah had done for him. “He has hired me and I am his priest.” (Judges 18:4) the priest said proudly.
The spies were happy for the Levite. It seemed like a pleasant arrangement for both men involved. They were invited to spend the night at the home of Micah. Happy to have a warm place to sleep for the night, they readily agreed.
Morning came and the men of Dan were ready to continue their search. They were feeling disappointed with their success so far.
“It would be much easier if we knew we would be successful. My heart is already lagging in faith.”
“We could ask the Levit about the Lord’s will.”
“That is a fine ide.”
With the plan settled, all they need do was to pose their question. The Levite was easy to locate as he was singing in the garden. “Shalom young Levite” they called out.
“Shalom to you also. Are you getting ready to leave us?”
“We are, but we have a favor to ask of you.”
“Go ahead. I’ll do my best to fulfill it.”
“Please inquire of God to learn whether our journey will be successful.” (Judges 18:5)
Without a moment’s hesitation, the Levite gave them their answer. “Go in peace. Your journey has the Lord’s approval.” (Judges 18:6)
A collective sigh of relief escaped from the men who were ready to return to their search.
Time and travel brought the five spies to the town of Laish. It was a beautiful town. The surrounding territory was lush and green. It had streams flowing through it an NO close neighbors. It was an ideal setting. The people were peaceful and they had no means of getting support in a battle. Dan should have no trouble taking it! The spies were ready to head home. There was much to share and to prepare for.
The leaders of Dan wanted a full report when the spies arrived. “Most of the lands are already occupied by the other tribes of Israel. I would not want to go to war where it is brother against brother. But there was a place that we all agreed it would be perfect for us. There is plenty of fresh water and grazing land for our herds. And the people are as docile as rabbits. We could be in and conquer them in just a day, as they are cutoff from support from Sidon. ‘Come on, let’s attack them! We have seen the land, and it is very good. Aren’t you going to do something? Don’t hesitate to go there and take it over. When you get there, you will find an unsuspecting people and a spacious land that God has put into your hands, a land that lacks nothing whatever.’ (Judges 9-10)”
The Danites were eager to go and see the place and to take it for themselves. Six hundred of them, armed for battle led the people as they set out from Zorah and Eshtaol. On the way to Laish, they passed through the hills of Ephraim. And this brought them near the home of Micah. As they were getting near it, the five spies started talking about Micah’s setup.
“Do you know that one of these houses has an ephod, some household gods and an image overlaid with silver?…” A wicked smile crossed the lips of the men. “… Now you know what to do.” (Judges 18:14)
The spies took point and went up to home of the Levite who ministered in Micah’s house. Standing outside the gate were the 600 armed men. The young Levite opens his door to the knocking and finds the five men he met earlier standing on his doorstep.
“Shalom brothers” the Levite greeted them.
“Shalom to you too. Take us to the home of Micah.”
Together they walked towards the home of Micah. As they started through the gate, one of the armed men put a hand on the Levite’s shoulder to restrain him from entering.
The spies said nothing as they went into the house and grabbed the ephod, the idol, and the household gods. When they emerged with the items, the Levite exclaimed; “What are you doing?” (Judges 18:18)
“Be quiet! Don’t say a word. Come with us, and be our father and priest. Isn’t it better that you serve a tribe and clan in Israel as priest rather than just one man’s household?” (Judges 18:19)
The priest’s eyes grew large with the prospect of having a whole tribe turning to him. He smiled and reached out for the items from Micah’s house. “I will carry them and keep them safe.”
While the tribe of Dan continued their journey to Laish, Micah came and discovered the theft of his items and his priest. He was furious! He called his neighbors together and they went after the men who had stolen from him.
Dan had women, children, and animals to slow them down, so Micah and his band quickly caught up to them. Micah and his forces shouted out for the people of Dan to stop as they neared them. The men of war stepped between Micah and the trailing people of Dan. “What’s the matter with you that you called out your men to fight?” (Judges 18:23)
Micah was shocked at their answer to his call. Surely they know what has happened. Just in case, he told them. And he told them with anger in his voice. “You took the gods I made, and my priest, and went away. What else do I have? How can you ask, ‘What’s the matter with you?’” (Judges 18:24)
The leader of the fighting men stepped up to Micah. He looked down on him by a good three inches. His pose was intimidating and his eyes spoke of the fierceness within. “Don’t argue with us, or some of the men may get angry and attack you, and you and your family will lose your lives.”
Micah swallowed hard and stepped back. Then he and the men who had come with him turned around to go home. There was NO WAY they could fight all those armed men. The only safe thing to do was to forget about the theft. To let it go.
The men of Dan watched Micah and his companions retreating. They simply watched until they disappeared from view. After Micah was gone, the procession of Danites continued its journey to Laish. When they arrived, those equipped for battle rushed the people and easily subdued them. They plundered and burned the cities, after killing all the people.
Once the land was subdued, the people of Dan rebuilt the city that was once named Laish and renamed it Dan. A special place was prepared for the idol and ephod that was taken from Micah. And it would remain in place as long as the people lived there. The young Levite, whose name was Johathan, who was a son of Gershon, a son of Moses would be their priest. His children would follow in his footsteps and serve the people of Dan as their priest, as long as the tribe existed in this place.
(to be continued)
I do NOT like the people in this story. Idol worship is a BIG ‘no-no’ in God’s book. And because it’s that way in His book, it is in mine too. Personally, the whole story of the tribe of Dan disgusts me. They were given an inheritance, but it was too much work to secure it. Instead, they go looking for a helpless people that they can conquer. And they steal and intimidate others along the way. I don’t think I would claim association with that clan if I were from Israel, in those days.
Having said that, I have no idea what that clan became over time, or how their values changed after the exile. They are considered one of the “Lost Tribes.” But they are not lost to God. He knows where and who they are, even today. He has plans for them; good plans. They too will contribute to the 144,000 saved in the last days. Which tells me that some of them learned to turn away from idol worship.
Father God, You know how I struggled with this story. I know that no all the stories You include in Your word are easy or glossy. This one was hardest because of the blatant idol worship happening. And that they were doing it in YOUR NAME! Those two concepts do NOT mix. Micah’s mother “dedicating to the Lord” the money Micah returned TO BE TURNED INTO AN IDOL blows my mind! What went so wrong that they could convince themselves that this was acceptable?
I suppose, given enough ‘desire’ to make something appear acceptable, we can often justify anything. This is where the problem starts. And it starts in each of us; ME TOO. I have had sins in my life that I ‘glossed over’ and pretended they were not sin, but acceptable to You under my ‘special circumstances’. Sin is still sin. And Hell is still hot. No matter how we try to make it otherwise.
Forgive me Lord for EVERY time I tried to justify something I did that I KNEW was wrong. Don’t let me get away with it! Call me on it Lord and help me change. Help me be a woman after Your own heart.