Judges Consequences Pt 2

Actions have consequences. The chain of events that started with the concubine of one Levite leaving and going home impacts the whole nation.
We started this story yesterday. It is a story that makes me angry on so many levels. But it is a story that God included in His word for a reason. Maybe because it was a major event in the history of Israel. Today is the more impactful part, for the whole nation, of the story. The first part of the story had an impact on a select group of people. But one from that group made it reach out to the whole nation.
The Levite was calling for justice for his concubine’s death. He wanted those responsible to pay for their crimes. I know; I’m putting my two cents in here, but I believe that he should number himself among the guilty. That’s not how the story works though. I have to be satisfied that GOD judged ALL those who were guilty of her death. Let’s rejoin our story and see where the ‘chips’ fall and where the Spirit takes us.
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The body parts of Eliza have made the rounds in the tribes of Israel. Everyone is incensed at this act and wants to find out what this all means.
Mizpah is being overrun! Men, armed for battle are pouring in by the thousands; the final count being over 400,000. They are ready to act. But first, they have to know what all this means. Nathan is counting on everyone’s outrage to get them to Mizpah.
When everyone is assembled, the leaders of the tribes take their places in front of the people. Nathan is standing before them waiting for his opportunity to speak.
“Tell us how this awful thing happened” (Judges 20:3b) calls out the leader of the tribe of Judah.
Now it’s Nathan’s turn to tell the story. He is careful with his words. He will share enough facts to get the message of justice needing served, but not so much that it reflects bad on him. “I and my concubine came to Gibeah in Benjamin to spend the night. During the night the men of Gibeah came after me and surrounded the house, intending to kill me. They raped my concubine, and she died. I took my concubine, cut her into pieces and sent one piece to each region of Israel’s inheritance, because they committed this lewd and outrageous act in Israel. Now, all you Israelites, speak up and tell me what you have decided to do.” (Judges 20:4-7)
Gasps flow through the crowd like water as Nathan told the story. By the end, ALL the people were ready to right this wrong. “None of us will go home. No, not one of us will return to his house. But now this is what we’ll do to Gibeah: We’ll go up against it in the order decided by casting lots. We’ll take ten men out of every hundred from all the tribes of Israel, and a hundred from a thousand, and a thousand from ten thousand, to get provisions for the army. Then, when the army arrives at Gibeah in Benjamin, it can give them what they deserve for this outrageous act done in Israel.” (Judges 8-10) They also took another oath. “Whoever does not assemble with us to mete out justice for this act will be put to death.
Nathan was very pleased to hear that the people felt as outraged by the events as he did. His actions had brought the people together, and together, they would repay the men of Gibeah for the wrong done to his concubine. He was not concerned one bit that the whole city was in the crosshairs at the moment.
“Before we cast lots, to see who will go up first, we need to see if this can be resolved without full out warfare” said the leader of the tribe of Reuben.
“How so” questioned Ephraim’s leader.
“We need to first ask the tribe of Benjamin to turn over the men from Gibeah who committed this atrocity. That way, they alone bear the consequences of their actions.”
“This is very sound advice.”
The meeting of the tribes happened in the land of Benjamin but Benjamin was not among those who attended. Nathan had not included them in the messenger’s route. Benjamin had seen Israel assembling and was wondering what was going on. Yet, they did not push their way into the congregation. “We will hear about it, when the time is right.”
An envoy of 50 men, all leaders, was created to meet with the leaders of Benjamin. They went to Ramah for their task. Once in Ramah, they spoke with the leaders at the gate and asked that word be passed regarding meeting.
“Send messages to the leaders of your tribe. There was a great injustice done in your territory which needs to be made right.”
Two days later, the leaders of Benjamin assembled in Ramah. “What is it that you want to address with us?”
“There was a terrible crime committed in the town of Gilead against one of your brothers. The concubine of a devout Levite was raped and murdered. ‘What about this awful crime that was committed among you? Now turn those wicked men of Gibeah over to us so that we may put them to death and purge the evil from Israel.’ (Judges 20:12-13)”
“This is terrible news for the man. But why were we excluded from discussing it with the rest of our brothers? Since the whole of Israel stands against us, we will stand with the men of Gibeah. We were not even given the opportunity to examine the man ourselves to assign blame.”
“But this crime has been committed by only a handful of men. Why endanger the rest of your people on their behalf?”
“We are as one in all things.”
The envoy returned to Mizpah with the news of Benjamin’s refusal to turn over the men responsible for Eliza’s death. “They will stand with the men of Gibeah.”
“We will face Benjamin as one. They will be as guilty as the men of Gibeah.”
All of Israel was angry with Benjamin for their position. They swore an oath; ALL of those present. “Not one of us will give his daughter in marriage to a Benjamite.” (Judges 21:1)
The people of Benjamin called all their warriors from every town in their territory. They mustered 26,000 warriors from their other towns and 700 from the town of Gibeah. They all assembled at Gibeah to be ready to face Israel.
While Benjamin was gathering their forces, Israel went down to Bethel to inquire of the Lord as to who would lead the charge against Benjamin. The Levite at Bethel asked the Lord for them. “Who of us is to go up first to fight against the Benjamites?” (Judges 20:18a)
“Judah shall go first” (Judah 20:18b) the Lord answered.
All 400,000 of Israel’s soldiers got up the next morning and headed out for Gilead. They pitched camp that night and came out in the morning ready for battle. The two armies faced each other in an open area before the city. From the looks of it, Benjamin was beat before they even started. It didn’t happen that way.
All day long sword clashed against shield, arrows flew, slings sailed stones, and men fell. By the end of the day, Israel had lost 22,000 valiant warriors that day. Benjamin didn’t suffer any losses. At nightfall, both armies went back to their camps. Israel wept and cried before the Lord over their losses.
They came before Him again that night. “Shall we go up again to fight against the Benjamites, our fellow Israelites?” (Judges 20:23b)
The Lord answered them again. “Go up against them.” (Judges 20:23c)
Israel was determined to continue the fight, for the Lord had told them to go up again. The fighting was fierce again this day. All day long, the sounds of battle and the cries of men who lay wounded or dying filled the air. Israel was on the run from Benjamin again. When night fell, the two armies returned to their camps. Israel had lost another 18,000 men armed for battle. Benjamin; no casualties. It almost seemed as though the Lord were fighting on Benjamin’s side!
The whole army of Israel cried and wept. “We cannot keep losing men like this. Maybe we should go before the Lord with our whole hearts” said the leader of Judah.
With that suggestion made, the armies of Israel went back to Bethel. The whole day, they sat before the Lord weeping and fasting. When evening came, they offered burnt offerings to the Lord. Then they asked Phinehas to inquire of the Lord for them again.
“Shall we go up again to fight against the Benjamites, our fellow Israelites, or not?” (Judges 20:28b)
The Lord answered their question. “Go, for tomorrow I will give them into your hands.” (Judges 20:28c)
This message encouraged ALL the hearts of the men of Israel. This is the first time that God has told them that they will prevail over Benjamin. They made their way back to Gibeah. This time the battle plan was altered too.
“We need to look at out battle plan” the leader of Judah said to the other leaders. “If we keep doing the same thing, we will keep getting the same results. We need a new battle plan.”
“What would you suggest” asked the leader of Dan.
“I propose that we use the tactic Joshua did with Ai; we set an ambush. Draw the men of Benjamin away from the city. Those set in ambush will come in behind and take the city. Once it is under our control, burn the city. The men of Israel will see the smoke and know that it is time to turn back on Benjamin. They will be caught in the middle.”
“What if they try and run away?”
“We give chase. We don’t stop until ALL of Benjamin is defeated.”
“I will take my men and set them in ambush and wait for you to draw them away” offered the leader of Reuben.
“That will work wonderfully” replied the leader of Judah. To the leader of Dan, he said, “Would you join with Reuben in their task?”
Dan readily agreed. The plans were set. Dan and Reuben left out that night under the cover of darkness to get into their positions. When the sun rose, Israel was ready for victory.
As before, the two armies faced each other across the field. The fighting began with the first sound of the ram’s horn. Israel didn’t put their whole heart into pushing against Benjamin this time. They needed for Benjamin to think they had the advantage and to give chase.
In the early part of the battle, around 30 of the men of Israel were struck down. This encouraged the troops of Benjamin; especially when they saw Israel beginning to retreat.
When all of the men of Benjamin were engaged in pursuing the forces of Israel, Dan and Reuben snuck in behind them and captured the city. EVERYONE was put to the sword. Not a person remained when Dan and Reuben’s swords stopped. The warriors from the two tribes then quickly assembled mounds of items to burn. They lit these on fire, then lit all the houses on fire.
As the cloud of smoke rose into the air, the men of Benjamin turned and noticed it. They became terrified because they knew they had been had. They became the ones running instead of the pursuers. Benjamin was met on all sides though. Those who had laid in ambush rushed from behind, and the forces who were drawing Benjamin away, turned and attacked instead. As Benjamin tried to flee to the east of Gibeah, 18,000 were struck down. As they fled to the wilderness to the rock of Rimmon, another 2,000 fell. Another 5,000 were killed on the roads. Only 600 men of all of Benjamin’s forces escaped. They fled to the rocks of Rimmon and hid. They would be in hiding there for four months.
After the battle was over, the men of Israel went to EVERY town in Benjamin and sacked it. They killed everyone within them and burned them all to the ground.
When all was said and done, the weight of what had happened settled upon the shoulders of the other tribes of Israel. There were only 600 survivors of the tribe of Benjamin. And they were all male! This could be the end of the tribe of Benjamin. They sat weeping bitterly and crying before the Lord all day.
“’Lord, God of Israel,’ they cried, ‘why has this happened to Israel? Why should one tribe be missing from Israel today?’” (Judges 21:3) The called out in anguish because of the situation. “How can we provide wives for those who are left, since we have taken an oath by the Lord not to give them any of our daughters in marriage?” (Judges 21:7)
The people offered sacrifices to the Lord and prayed for wisdom to solve this problem. One of the leaders of Judah posed a question. “Which one of the tribes of Israel failed to assemble before the Lord at Mizpah?” (Judges 21:8)
A count was made and the men of Jabesh Gilead was missing. There was not a man among them from this town. The oath they had taken when first assembling had stated that ANYONE who did not come to Mizpah would be put to death. This provided a ‘work around’ for getting wives for the remaining men of Benjamin.
“We must secure wives for the men of Benjamin from Jabesh Gilead. ‘“This is what you are to do,” they said. “Kill every male and every woman who is not a virgin.”’ (Judges 21:11) The virgin will be wives for the men of Benjamin, in order that their tribe not die.”
A group of 12,000 men armed for battle was assembled from all of Israel and sent to Jabesh Gilead to execute judgment on that city. When they sheathed their swords, 400 virgins remained alive of the entire city. They were brought back to the camp at Shiloh.
The next day a message of peace was sent to the men of Benjamin hiding at the rock of Rimmon. “We have secured wives for you. We do not wish to see our brothers wiped from the nation of Israel. Come to Shiloh and take them. There are 400 virgins awaiting your arrival.”
The men of Benjamin were more than happy to have a future again. They too realized that they may be the last of their clan, as all the women of Benjamin were put to the sword. But there were still 200 men of Benjamin who had no wives. They needed every man to be able to rebuild the tribe of Benjamin.
After the virgins were taken from Shiloh, the leaders of Israel met together. They knew that 200 men were still without wives.
“With the women of Benjamin destroyed, how shall we provide wives for the men who are left? The Benjamite survivors must have heirs,” they said, “so that a tribe of Israel will not be wiped out. We can’t give them our daughters as wives, since we Israelites have taken this oath: ‘Cursed be anyone who gives a wife to a Benjamite.’ But look, there is the annual festival of the Lord in Shiloh, which lies north of Bethel, east of the road that goes from Bethel to Shechem, and south of Lebonah.” (Judges 21:16-19)
This was a perfect idea! A second message was sent to the men of Benjamin. “Go and hide in the vineyards and watch. When the young women of Shiloh come out to join in the dancing, rush from the vineyards and each of you seize one of them to be your wife. Then return to the land of Benjamin. When their fathers or brothers complain to us, we will say to them, ‘Do us the favor of helping them, because we did not get wives for them during the war. You will not be guilty of breaking your oath because you did not give your daughters to them.’” (Judges 21:20-22)
This idea pleased the men of Benjamin greatly. The night of the celebration, the 200 men of Benjamin who didn’t have a wife were waiting in the vineyards. The young maidens had heard of the arrangements made with the men of Benjamin. Those who were afraid, stayed home. Those who were willing to be taken as a wife came out dancing with joy. A few made token protests, but most smiled and clung to their new husband as they were carried out of the vineyards.
Once the night was over, the appeal to the fathers and brothers who lost their daughters or sisters was made. All were willing to do the ‘favor’ for the tribe of Benjamin. It was time for everyone to return to their own homes. The crisis was over and all the consequences of that one night meted out.
The 600 couples began to rebuild the territory of Benjamin. They rebuilt the cities that were burned and strengthened the tribe of Benjamin with many children and grandchildren.
(to be continued)
We have come to the end of the book of Judges. There is one prophet/judge left to come before Israel moves into the era of kings. You all know him. His name is Samuel. I believe he was the greatest prophet since Moses. That’s my opinion though.
I believe the book of judges can be summed up by the last verse contained in it. “In those days Israel had no king; everyone did as they saw fit.” (Judges 21:25) The last few stories certainly fit that description. The people had strayed FAR from the Lord. And it wouldn’t be the last time they turned their backs on Him. But those are stories for other days.
Father God, I’m glad that the people realized the predicament they were in before it was too late. If they would have chased after the last 600, there would be no Benjamin. But then, YOU wouldn’t have let that happen. YOU always have a plan. It’s not a coincidence that they stopped short. Nor was it a coincidence that they found ways to begin to rebuild the tribe. YOUR plans are ALWAYS good. I wish the men of Benjamin would have handed over the offenders and been done with it. Hurt feelings, slights, and stubbornness got in everyone’s way.
Seeing it that way brings it home. Thank You Holy Spirit for that nugget. How many times have hurt feelings or stubbornness brought me to the brink of disaster? Probably more times that can be counted. I know these three things have torn many families apart. Please Lord, don’t let me be the cause of any of them. Let me bring peace in these places; those that are in my corner of the world anyway. I can’t solve the problems of the world, but I can point to the One who can; YOU.
And YOU are ALWAYS with me when ‘the problems of the world’ don’t fade away in an instant. Fear Not!