Judges Consequences Pt 1

The consequences of one person’s actions can have a ripple effect that touches THOUSANDS. One concubine fled and, by the end, a whole tribe was nearly dead.
This is a gruesome and brutal story. I find the participants on both sides detestable; at least in the beginning. This story is reminiscent of the story of Lot and the angels who came to him in Sodom. Lot was willing to give his virgin daughters over to depraved men to do with as they pleased. He did this in order to spare the men who came. But he didn’t have to go through with it. The angels got Lot’s family out just in time.
In this story, two women are offered up to protect a visiting man. The mob outside the door had the same desire as the ones in Sodom, but they settled for one woman, whom they brutally abused all night long. She died of her injuries AND her husband’s inaction. I lay her death at his feet too!
My judgement is based on today’s standards. I don’t really know the standards of the time, but even the Levite who threw her out was incensed over the treatment he received. I want to point out too though, that he didn’t tell the people about HIS part in her death.
As much as I hate this story, and don’t want to step into it, God put it in HIS word for a purpose. So, let’s step into the lives of the people involved and see where the Spirit takes us.
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Eliza hates the life that has become her own. She is a concubine, not even a wife, to a distracted husband. Nathan is a Levite in an obscure and tiny town in the hills of Ephraim. He doesn’t even realize that his concubine is unhappy. His only care for her is that she be there when he needs her.
One day, Eliza decides she has had enough. She misses her family. She misses company of ANY kind! She is so isolated that she hasn’t seen six people in the last two months; and that includes her husband. “What good is a husband if he is never here” she asks herself. “I’m going home. At least there, I can be sure I’m wanted. Nathan probably won’t even notice that I’m gone.”
Eliza packs her meager belongings and walks until she reaches town. There she finds a family who will be traveling to Ramah in Benjamin. She will still have a way to go to reach Bethlehem, but she can make arrangements for the final leg of her journey when she reaches the end of this group’s travels.
Eliza is thrilled to have someone to talk to. She and the wife talk the whole way there. If it were possible, they would become good friends. But the distance that is soon to be between them prevents this. They part company at Ramah.
“You have been so kind to me. I will never forget you” Eliza says after hugging her traveling companion.
“It has been a pleasure meeting you. I hope you find what you are looking for” says the wife as the holds Eliza’s hands in hers.
“I pray that the Lord will bless you as you start your new life here in Ramah.”
“And I pray his blessings and direction for you.”
Eliza goes in search of transportation that will take her the rest of the way home. It doesn’t take long before she finds a caravan going through Bethlehem. The money that Nathan had given her over time, and she had secreted away, is enough to pay for her passage.
Eliza isn’t as starved for company now as she had been when first leaving. She is content to listen in on other’s conversations; for now. Having so many people around her at one time is also a little disconcerting after being alone so long. The family she cam with provided her companionship without being overwhelming. But this will do. She is going home!
Eliza is ready to part company with the caravan when they reach Bethlehem. The dusty days are over and she is safe in her own home town. Eliza goes immediately to her father’s house. She comes to the door and, instead of going right in as she had so many times as a child, she knocks.
“IIIeeeee” her mother screams as she opens the door and sees her daughter standing on the stoop. The two women embrace. Once the fierce embrace ends, her mother draws her into the house while admonishing her. “You know you don’t have to knock. This is still your home too.”
“I know Ima. It just didn’t feel right; walking on in. Besides, it was fun seeing your face when you opened the door” Eliza chides.
Eliza’s mother smacks her playfully on the arm. “Wait until you father sees you! He should be in from the fields any time.”
“What are you doing here and where is you husband?”
“It’s a long story Ima. Can it wait until Abba is home too. I only want to tell it once.”
“Alright. I’ll wait. You can help me prepare the evening meal while we await your father’s return.”
Eliza’s eyes begin to dance with delight. “I would like that very much Ima.”
The two women fall back into their old routine with ease. This is where they are when Eliza’s father finally enters the home.
When Eliza’s father sees her, he is quick with the embrace too. He picks her up and twirls around with her before putting her back on her feet.
“Abba” she says and gives him a playful slap on the arm.
“What? I can’t dance with my own daughter” he says with a twinkle in his eye.
“You daughter might like to participate in the dance, if her feet could reach the floor” she laughs.
“That’s enough you too” Eliza’s mother says and smacks them with the towel she is holding.
All of them break out in laughter. When the laughter dies, Eliza’s mother starts the conversation that has been on hold.
“Tell us Eliza. Why are you here and where is your husband?”
“I left him Ima.” Eliza says with a bowed head.
Eliza’s mother’s hand jumps to her on chest. “Why Eliza?”
“Because he is not even truly ‘my husband’ and he treats me like a prostitute. He only comes to me to fill his needs. The rest of the time I’m left completely alone; in the middle of nowhere!”
“Is he hurting you or treating you bad” asks her father.
“Not physically. But the isolation is crushing. I have no one to talk to. I see no one. There isn’t even a town I could go and make friends in. I’m so far out in the woods that I might as well be on the MOON!”
“I… you… I don’t know what to say; or do” her mother replies.
“You don’t have to do anything. You don’t even have to say anything. Just let me stay with you.”
“Of course you can stay here. You are always welcome. But at some point, we will have to think about your future” her father adds.
“But it can wait for now. It’s time to eat” her mother replies.
No more is said about the absent husband and life falls into a regular routine. Eliza helps her mother with all the household chores. She is ashamed of her current status, so she rarely goes anywhere. Occasionally she walks with her mother to market, but she feels the eyes of those she used to call friends, judging her.
Nathan noticed the absence of his concubine after about a week. She had left him a note saying she was returning home to her parents. He hoped that she would return soon. He missed her.
A month goes by and Nathan hasn’t heard anything from Bethlehem. Nathan keeps himself busy to take his mind off Eliza’s absence. When the third month of her absence is drawing to a close, Nathan is beside himself. There aren’t enough distractions in the world to keep him from longing for her presence. “I’ll give her one more week. If I haven’t heard anything by then, I’m going after her” he says to himself.
The week passed without a word, but Nathan got tied up in dealing with a family’s troubles. It is three weeks since his ultimatum before he leaves for Bethlehem. Nathan calls for his most reliable servant.
“Prepare two of my best donkeys for travel. We are going to Bethlehem.”
“’We’ master? Am I to go too? And what is the reason for our journey?”
“You will accompany me. And we are going to, hopefully, convince Eliza to come home with us.”
“I was wondering if you were ever going to go after her. I’ll have the donkeys prepared immediately.”
“Having them ready at daybreak will do. We will set out then.”
Travel for the two men was uneventful and they arrived in Bethlehem within a week. They went straight to Eliza’s parent’s home. Eliza is out in front of the house; sweeping the steps.
“Shalom Eliza” Nathan calls from the other side of the gate.
Eliza looks up in surprise. After a moment’s hesitation, she greets Nathan too. “Shalom Nathan. Would you like to come in?”
“That would be very welcome. Thank you.” Nathan opens the gate and he and he walks through it. His servant remains with the donkeys while Nathan and Eliza step into the home.
Eliza’s mother is in the kitchen when the come in. “Ima, we have a guest.”
Her mother hurries from the kitchen to find Nathan standing next to Eliza. She quickly covers her surprise by offering him something to drink. “Would you like some wine to clear the dust from your mouth. I’m sure you are tired from your long journey.”
“Thank you, that would be greatly appreciated.” Nathan waits while the drink is brought to him. He tastes it. “This is wonderful!”
“It’s from our own vineyard” commented Eliza’s mother
“We may have to take some with us when we return home” Nathan says while looking at Eliza.
Eliza directs her gaze elsewhere. She does not want to have this conversation now; especially not in front of her mother. She hopes that Nathan will get the message.
Eliza’s mother understood Eliza’s discomfort so she found and excuse to leave. “I need to check on dinner.”
When they were alone, Nathan broached the subject straight on. “I want you to come back home with me. I miss you.”
“How long did it take you to notice I was gone” asks Eliza with accusation in her tone.
“I noticed your absence right away, of course.”
“Then why did it take you four months to come after me?”
“I had hoped you would return on your own after visiting with your family.”
“And when I didn’t after a month?”
“I had business to attend to, and kept hoping.”
“And after two months?”
“Let’s stop this now. I waited until I was certain that you weren’t returning on your own, concluded my business, and came for you.”
“I am still after your ‘concluding your business’ though.”
“What is that supposed to mean” snapped Nathan.
“It means that you never even come to see me unless you want your physical needs met. I don’t share a house with you. And I certainly don’t share in importance with the rest of the world to you. I’m an afterthought.”
“You know I need my privacy. And I provide for you handsomely. You ARE important to me.”
“Do you love me?”
“I… It’s not the same without you! I need you.”
“But do you love me?”
“As much as I am able; yes. I love you.”
Eliza turned his answer over in her mind for a few minutes without saying anything.
“So will you return home with me” asked Nathan.
“Only if I can have a room in your home. We don’t have to share a bed every night, but I need to know that you see me and care about my needs too.”
Nathan thought it over. He could see some advantages to this, but there was also the fact that he would be giving up his privacy. “What happens when I want privacy?”
“Tell me, and I will go to my room for a time.”
“This could work”, said Nathan. “I will do as you ask.”
“Then I will return home with you. To our home.”
Eliza’s father came home shortly after they had settled their concerns. He was very happy to see Nathan.
“Shalom Nathan! It’s good to see you. Let me offer you our hospitality. After your long journey, you need a few days to recuperate before setting back on your way home.”
“That is very kind of you. I believe I will take you up on your offer. Is there a place for my servant too?”
“Certainly! He can stay with our servants.” Eliza’s father looked at Nathan out of the corner of his eye and asked; “Will you be needing your own room or sharing with Eliza?”
“If it’s possible, I would like my own room. I find that I need a fair amount of privacy; to meditate and such.”
Eliza’s father bowed low. “I have just the room for you.”
A servant showed both visitors where they would be staying and brought them anything they needed for their rooms. The evening meal was served right after the quick tour was completed. The next three days passed in good company and great food and drink. Nathan enjoyed visiting with Eliza’s father. They had many interests in common.
As is customary with visitors in Israel, Nathan and Eliza prepared to leave after the obligatory three days was over. As the servant readied the donkey, Eliza’s father coaxed them into staying longer.
“Refresh yourself with something to eat; then you can go.” (Judges 19:5)
Nathan gave in to the prodding of Eliza’s father. They went back inside the house where they ate and drank and visited a while longer. When Nathan was ready to leave again, Eliza’s father urged him to spend the night.
“Please stay tonight and enjoy yourself.” (Judges 19:6)
Nathan, ever the respectful guest, consented to stay another night. “We will leave first thing in the morning instead” Nathan told Eliza and her father.
When morning came, Nathan began preparing to leave again. His father-in-law urged him to remain and share a meal with him.
“Refresh yourself. Wait till afternoon!” (Judges 19:8)
Nathan again sat down to enjoy a meal and company with Eliza’s father. He was becoming suspicious though. “Why does he keep begging me to stay a little longer” wondered Nathan. “Whatever it is, I’m not stalling any longer” Nathan resigned.
When afternoon arrived Nathan and Eliza and their servant got up to leave. Eliza’s father tried to detain them again. “Now look, it’s almost evening. Spend the night here; the day is nearly over. Stay and enjoy yourself. Early tomorrow morning you can get up and be on your way home.” (Judges 19:9)
Nathan had had enough. “We have to be on our way. I have business I must get back to.”
“What is another night. Your business can wait that much longer.”
“It cannot. Thank you for your hospitality, but we must be on our way now.”
Eliza’s father relented and watched the three of them mount their donkeys and be off. He was hoping that, given enough delays, Eliza would change her mind and stay with them. It was right that she went with her husband, but he kept remembering his broken daughter who had arrived at their home only a short four months ago. As he watched them go, he prayed that the Lord would keep her from becoming lonely again and that her husband would cherish her as he did his wife.
As the small band was traveling, the evening was fading quickly. They needed to find a place to stay the night. It wasn’t safe to be out in the open at night. Bandits were too quick to set upon anyone outside a city’s gates.
As they were nearing Jabes (Jerusalem), Nathan’s servant made a suggestion. “Come, let’s stop at this city of the Jebusites and spend the night.” (Judges 19:11)
Nathan flatly refused this idea. “No. We won’t go into any city whose people are not Israelites. We will go on to Gibeah.” (Judges 19:12) As he thought about it a little more, he added; “Come, let’s try to reach Gibeah or Ramah and spend the night in one of those places.” (Judges 19:13)
Just as they were nearing Gibeah the sun began its final decent behind the hills. They would travel no further this night. They turned into Gibeah and went to the town square. This was the place where weary travelers could rest or find accommodations. Nathan, Elizah and their servant found a seat and waited. As there was no one left in the square, they resigned themselves to staying the night here.
While Nathan and his group were settling in, an elderly man passed through the gates of the city on his way to his house. He glanced up and saw the group sitting in the square. “No. This will not do” he told himself. “No one should spend the night in the square. Who knows what could happen to them.” He walked over to the place where Nathan sat and asked him some important questions.
“Where are you going? Where did you come from?” (Judges 19:17b) They weren’t earth shattering or soul-searching questions, but they would separate the true traveler from the scoundrel who only wanted to be let into someone’s home so they could rob them.
Nathan was more than happy to answer it. “We are on our way from Bethlehem in Judah to a remote area in the hill country of Ephraim where I live. I have been to Bethlehem in Judah and now I am going to the house of the Lord. No one has taken me in for the night. We have both straw and fodder for our donkeys and bread and wine for ourselves your servants—me, the woman and the young man with us. We don’t need anything.” (Judges 19:18-19)
The man was heard that they were fine without his help, but them spending the night in the square was not something he could agree with. They didn’t realize how unsafe it was in the square. “You are welcome at my house,” the old man said. “Let me supply whatever you need. Only don’t spend the night in the square.” (Judges 19:20)
Eliza’s heart leapt at the prospect of security. She didn’t want to tell Nathan how scared she was, but now they would be safe. Nathan, though he didn’t show it, was much relieved too. As was his servant. Who knows what can befall a traveler who spends the night in the city square without protection of any kind.
“Thank you for your gracious invitation. We would be most grateful to accept your hospitality” Nathan replied.
Everyone settled into the man’s home. It was warm and comfortable. The donkeys were safe in his stable, and the meal he served his guests was excellent. Nathan contributed their supplies to the meal as well.
While they were all enjoying themselves, they heard pounding on the door. It was not a pleasant knocking, but someone insistent to get inside. What they had failed to notice as they were going to the man’s home, was a group of men watching them. These men had planned on waiting until it was fully dark and falling upon the travelers as they slept in the square. Their greatest desire was to have sex with the men and debase and abuse them. When the group of travelers were taken in, the men’s plans changed.
The wicked men had gone in search of others who were like minded. “Come with us. We have the perfect target. He is rich and his clothes identify him as a Levite. This is going to be FUN!” The group grew from a few to a small mob of 30 by the time it reached the house where Nathan and Eliza were staying.
The pounding on the door got all of their attention. And their shouts through the door chilled the hearts of everyone inside. “Bring out the man who came to your house so we can have sex with him.” (Judges 19:22b)
The owner of the house carefully stepped outside the door to try and calm the mob. “No, my friends, don’t be so vile. Since this man is my guest, don’t do this outrageous thing…” When the looks on the faces of the men didn’t change, the owner of the house made them a substitute offer. “…Look, here is my virgin daughter, and his concubine. I will bring them out to you now, and you can use them and do to them whatever you wish. But as for this man, don’t do such an outrageous thing.” (Judges 19:23-24)
The mob started pushing against the owner of the house. They would not listen to him. Nathan reached quickly through the door and dragged the owner back inside. He and the owner were pushing against the door with all their might while the men outside tried to push their way inside. Nathan called his servant to take his place. Then he went to where Eliza stood, paralyzed with fear. He grabbed her by the arm and dragged her to the door. The owner of the house and Nathan’s servant let up a little and Nathan threw Eliza through the opening of the door.
Eliza screamed for Nathan as the men grabbed her and pulled her away from the house.
“Nathan! Save Me!” she cried over and over again until the house was no longer in sight.
The men pushed and pulled on her arms, yanked her hair, taunted her by repeating her cries back to her, and slapped her all the way back to the city square. Once there, they ripped her robes off of her, and took turns assaulting her sexually. They did every degrading thing that has ever been conceived in the minds of man to Eliza. And they laughed as she sobbed. Her cries for help, even those directed to the Lord, went answered that night.
At daybreak, the men turned her loose. They stepped back and laughed as she tried to gather the remnants of her garments. In the daylight, she felt even more exposed than she had in the night. She covered herself as best she could and slowly and painfully made her way back to the home where Nathan was. As she approached the house, she tripped on a loose stone and fell to the ground. Her strength was gone. She didn’t even have enough to call out for help. She lay within inches of the door; with her hands resting on the doorsill. This is where she breathed her last, but not for another hour or so. She didn’t have the strength to move, and no one came to care for her. The Lord rescued her from this life; finally answering her prayer.
While Eliza was enduring the night with the wicked men, Nathan and the man had finished their evening and gone to bed. They slept soundly through the night. When it was fully light outside, Nathan got up and got ready to leave for home. He opened the door and saw Eliza lying there. He didn’t know that she was dead.
Nathan stepped around Eliza. When she didn’t stir, he demanded that she rise. “Get up; let’s go.” (Judges 19:28) When she still didn’t stir or answer him, Nathan realized that she was dead.
This distressed Nathan greatly. “How dare the KILL my concubine!” he thought to himself. A plan of retribution took form immediately in his mind. He had his servant tie her onto one of his donkeys and then they made their way home. Once they reached home, Nathan took Eliza’s body out to the woodpile. There he used his axe to chop her body into 12 pieces. With every blow of the axe, Nathan saw the faces of the men who he had glimpsed at the door.
Nathan gathered the pieces he had cut his concubine. He called to his servant; “Find me twelve messengers.”
When the messengers arrived, Nathan handed a portion of his concubine to each of them. At first, they recoiled and refused to accept the pieces of the once beautiful woman. “I will pay you ten times your usual fee. You are to take these pieces of my concubine to each of the tribes of Israel. Go through their towns and cities and cry out for what has been done to her. If anyone asks you what this is about, tell them that I am calling for an assembly in Mizpah where the Lord will judge.”
As the messengers went throughout all of Israel, the people were mortified by what they saw. “Such a thing has never been seen or done, not since the day the Israelites came up out of Egypt. Just imagine! We must do something! So speak up!” (Judges 19:30)
The messengers told all who asked; “The Levite, Nathan, was calling for an assembly in Mizpah. He asks that the Lord judge the murder of his wife.”
Consequences are coming!
(to be continued)
I have to pause here because of length and time. I took time to introduce you to the concubine in question. She was more than just a few lines in a story. And I’m angry at the treatment she received! I know that I am judging from a different place in history, but I cannot and will not excuse the Levite for her death. I hold him as responsible as the men who abused her.
Father God, this story HURTS! How can people do such things to one another? How can someone who is SUPPOSED to love someone, throw them into a situation like that TO PROTECT THEMSELVES!? I would rather take the treatment myself than inflict it on someone I loved.
I know that bad things happen to good people, even now. We live in a fallen world, and You do NOT impose Your will on men. They choose to act in despicable ways. I TRULY believe that they pay for their actions in the end. If not on earth, then certainly in eternity. What kind of punishment awaited the men who committed the crimes against this woman? And did her ‘husband’ receive consequences for his part in her death? If not from man; from You?
THANK YOU for taking her away from him permanently. I have no doubt that he would have treated her shamefully for being impure after her ordeal. She was at least spared that. I pray that she was welcomed into eternity with loving arms. I know nothing more of her life than what was revealed in this story. I don’t even know if she followed Your Law. I wish I knew that she was safe with You now. All I can do is hope. After what she endured,…
Thank You for keeping me from that form of danger in my life. My cares seem petty by comparison. But You care about my life too.