Joel 3:17-21 Judah’s Future

Judah’s future will be glorious. It will be a time of peace and prosperity. Of safety from all those who have sought their lives. And a time when God will dwell again in Zion.
God has used the nations around Judah to get their attention and to bring judgment for their sins. His work has had its good result. The people turned, and will turn back to their God. The work hasn’t finished yet. God is still drawing His people to Himself. And a lot of His work involves HARD times.
In Joel’s day it was the locust. It was also the captivity of Israel and Judah. Several nations would rule over Israel before Jesus came on the scene. His words changed EVERYTHING! He gave His people a new covenant. And He opened the way for the gentiles to come to God too. But even after Jesus’ work, there was still much that needed done.
Israel faced several more times of GREAT TRIAL. I won’t go so far as to ascribe them to lessons from the Lord, but they brought the people closer to God at their conclusion. Today, they still struggle with their neighbors. There are casualties every day from the conflicts raging across their land.
But GOD promises them that their struggle WILL end. There will be a time when Jerusalem is a city of worship to the Lord. A time when there is no fear of reprisal from their enemies. GOD will deal with their enemies in that time. He will lay on them what they had laid on Judah. He will bring justice for those who actually suffered unjustly.
This beautiful future is reserved for AFTER His judgment has been rendered on the nations. I believe this future spoken of will be during the time when Jesus rules on earth. When He is in residence in Jerusalem, there will be NOTHING evil in it. And the land will reflect His mercy from end to end. Only those who are searching for a closer relationship with Him will even desire to enter Jerusalem. It will be a city filled with His praise! THAT is a place and time where I want to be!!!
I’m curious as to what happens during the time when Satan is released. Will Jesus still be reigning in Jerusalem? Will people still be flocking to Israel to be near Him? How will Satan’s new ‘escapades’ impact life in Israel? We KNOW the final tally at the end, but what happens in the middle? I suppose if God wanted me to know, He probably would have put something in His word for us to read about that time. I’ll have to add that to my list of ‘bench questions’.
Father God, thank You for the wonderful future ahead. There is STILL a LOT to transpire before that finale, but it is WELL worth waiting for.