Joel 3:1-16 Prepare for War

God is telling Joel what is still to come. Final judgment against all the nations around Israel. Prepare for war for judgment is coming!
During the times of lessons for Israel, the nations around her were used as God’s instruments of correction. He even used the locust during the days of Joel. But there will be payback for all the mistreatment they suffered at their hands. Their mistreatment included sending them as far away from the land God gave them as possible. Trying to divide them up and dissolve them as a people.
God was, and continues to watch over His people. The day is still on the horizon when He will bring them ALL back together and also gather all the other nations for judgment.
This battle and judgment remind me of God’s prophecy in Revelation concerning the final battle; Armageddon. I am no bible scholar so I can’t tell you with 100% certainty that these are one in the same battles. I don’t know if the valley of Jehoshaphat is the place of the battle of Armageddon. I tried using Google to get a definitive answer and I found conflicting answers instead. Some say this final battle will take place in the valley of Jehoshaphat while others say Megiddo, others say the Jezreel valley. I cannot say if these are ALL the same location.
What I DO know is that God will judge ALL the nations who have stood against His people to try and destroy them. GOD will make that judgement; NOT man. He will uphold HIS people. Whether they be Jew or Gentile, when they belong to Him, they are SAFE. So, wherever this battle takes place, and whenever it finally happens, we KNOW who wins and who loses. And we know that God’s judgment is true and just.
Do NOT be afraid, for our God KNOWS our future and it is good, for it is with HIM. ANYONE who is a child of the King is on the winning side. Those born of Jewish ancestry will also have to make the decision to accept the work Jesus did for all of us. Born of the blood of the Lamb is the ONLY birthright that will matter in the end. And we KNOW that MANY of those will be from the nation of Israel. Praise God that their eyes will be opened to the truth!
Father God, I trust You with the ENTIRE process. Only You know when and where and whom for certain. You have given me clues to what is to come but not the whole picture. That’s fine, because if I knew it all, there would be no need for faith. I LIKE knowing that it isn’t up to me to figure it all out. Yet, I appreciate all the insight You have provided. All I really need to know is that YOU will make it all RIGHT. This also includes the two issues I’m still dealing with. Please Lord, bring about a just resolution for both of these concerns. I know the answers I would like, but I trust You to bring about the RIGHT answers. Period! Give me guidance and patience in the processes.
I was just reminded of Your words to Israel regarding how to view this battle. Are You telling me to prepare for ‘battle’? To “beat my ‘plows’ into instruments of war”? If so, show me how and where to strike. Guide my ‘hands’ and guard my heart.