Joel 2:1-11 They’re Coming!

A great army is approaching. Eden is before them, but as they pass, there is nothing but destruction in their wake. They’re coming and will not be stopped.
From our earlier reading in Joel, I have no doubt that he is speaking of the swarms of locust coming. He identified four types of locust that would attack Judah. I’m curious as to whether he is speaking of a future event or a past one. And if the locust are a metaphor.
When we looked at the locust attack earlier, I asked whether the four types could be associated with the four major attacks that happened during Judah’s fall. I Joes was speaking of a past event, Nebuchadnezzar’s final attack on Jerusalem would fit very well with a destroying hoard. There wasn’t much left when they got through.
But, I’m wondering if this might be an event yet to come. Revelations speaks of a locust tormenting the people. Joel says of the coming invaders; “Like blackness there is spread upon the mountains a great and powerful people; their like has never been before, nor will be again after them through the years of all generations” (verse 2b).
This ‘hoard’ is different from all those ever seen. This includes when God sent a plague of locust onto Egypt as part of the process of freeing His people. Apparently, that plague doesn’t compare to what Joel is speaking of. In Revelations the locust are spiritual beings. That certainly qualifies them as something different from what Joel is describing. So, maybe the four-fold plague of locust was for Joel’s time.
The devastation left behind was, or will be, enormous! This is why Joel says there are no crops growing and no vines or trees producing fruit. With destruction that severe there would be NO survival, apart from God. If the people continue on their path, destruction is their only destination. Not even their best armaments or social programs can save them.
This is true for ALL who refuse Jesus’ work on the cross. Satan is a devouring hoard and would like nothing more than to see ALL mankind destroyed. That way, none of them can turn to God. ALL who turn to Jesus though have protection against ALL Satan can throw at us. Even with the locust in Revelation, the believer is safe. And we will see Joel voice God’s cry for His people of Judah to come to Him quickly before being destroyed.
Get out of the way of destruction! They’re coming and only God can offer you safety!
Father God, I haven’t lived through a devastating insect attack. I’ve lived in places where the insects were so plentiful, during periods of the night, that you dare no open your mouth for fear of getting a mouthful. But NOTHING like what is described in Your word. I can’t imagine the devastation left behind!
Lord Jesus, THANK YOU for making a way for me to be safe from Satan’s attacks. THANK YOU for removing me from the path of devastation! You have set my feet on solid ground and put a hedge of protection around me. Something that Satan can’t scale, can’t burn, and can’t tear down. I’m safe in Your arms, no matter what comes!