Joel 1:13-20 Lament O People

Joel calls for the priests and ministers specifically to lament. But the problems described affect all people so I would say, “Lament O people!”
God’s judgment has just been described. The crops have failed. The grapes, figs, and the grain are specifically mentioned. Grapes and figs are ‘treats’, but the grain is the bread for the people. Today we see an even worse picture of the problem.
Because of the lack in the fields, there is a lack at the altar. There is nothing from the field’s increase to bring for an offering to the Lord. “The seed shrivels under the clods; the storehouses are desolate; the granaries are torn down because the grain has dried up” (verse 17). “For fire has devoured the pastures of the wilderness and flame has burned all the trees of the field. Even the beasts of the field pant for You because the water brooks are dried up, the fire has devoured the pastures of the wilderness” (verses 19-20).
The domestic and wild animals are suffering too. The cattle and sheep have nothing to eat. The fires have taken it all. The wild animals have no grazing places or water sources because of wildfires. I’m assuming that a drought is going along with the trouble described, which further diminishes the growth of all plants and hurts all the animals.
And there is no ‘benevolent nation’ to send them aid. Those who remain in Judah are in a world of hurt! There is debate as to when Joel was written, but I would think it safe to say it was after the fall of Judah to Nebuchadnezzar. Which brings up another problem. There is no Temple to bring the sacrifices to! So, where were prayers being made? Where were offerings still being made, IF one had the resources for such an act?
This brings up a comparison between ‘then’ and ‘now’. In the days of the old covenant, an offering was to be brought every time one would come to the Lord. There were prescribed offerings for specific sins, pleas, and interactions with God. The people couldn’t approach Him personally. The priests played the part of the mediator. You DID NOT come empty handed to the Lord!
Since Jesus’ death and resurrection, the official sacrifices have been done away with. There are no prescribed offerings or sacrifices for spending time with God. And the only mediator we need is Jesus. We can come ‘empty handed’ to God, but NOT empty hearted. We also don’t have one specific spot where we are to meet with Him. I can come before my Lord at ANY time and in ANY place. I’ve even been known to sit with Him while on the toilet. All that is required of us is a humble and open heart before Him.
I don’t believe that God ‘locked’ any TRUE seeker out, even in the trying times of Joel. The reason I believe this is because Daniel came before the Lord in prayer at least 3 times a day. And he was NOWHERE near a Temple when he offered his prayers. I seriously doubt that he burned sacrifices in his room. God would NOT have accepted this! He prayed looking out his window towards Jerusalem. And his heart was focused on God every time he hit his knees.
I believe that’s all God requires of us. To seek Him with a sincere heart. “To obey is better than sacrifice” (1 Samuel 15:22b).
Father God, thank You that I am not separated from You by time or place. You allow me to come to You whenever my heart calls. Please help me to ALWAYS come with a humble and open spirit. I truly want to hear Your heart every day; ALL day long.
Thank You for the blessings You have given me too. Thank You for the ‘unburned’ pastures and full ‘streams’ in my life.