Joel 1:1-12 Locust

We meet the prophet, Joel. Through imagery, he calls Judah back to God in a time of great calamity. He seems especially focused on locust.
Little is known about the prophet Joel. We have his father’s name but nothing else definitive about him. No tribal affiliation. No job reference. Not even a clear picture of where he lived. What we do have is that he was used by God. That’s all the ‘pedigree’ I need.
I’m told, by reading my introduction to this book, that locust won’t be Joel’s only focus, but today he definitely gets involved with them. He sees wave after wave after wave of the little munching machines hit the people. The cutting locust come first. What they don’t eat the swarming locust attack. The hopping locust eat their fill next. And whatever little bit is left, the destroying locust eat. From greet to gone in four steps.
As I was thinking about the number of locust swarms, I wondered if they considered with the number of attacks Judah suffered before her eventual fall. From our past reading, we know that Egypt attacked once and carried off Jehoahaz. They replaced him with his brother, Jehoiakim. After this, Nebuchadnezzar attacked three times before destroying Jerusalem and the Temple of the Lord. So, to my mind, that fits with the four waves of locust. When Nebuchadnezzar’s last attack was done, nothing remained of the beautiful city. It was all in ruins, including God’s House.
When the waves were finished, the people had to face the reality of their situation. Their ‘good times’ were OVER. There was nothing left to sustain the people. :It has laid waste my vine and splintered my fig tree; it has stripped of the bark and thrown it down; their branches are made white” (verse 7).
Worse than having nothing to distract the people was the fact that they would also have nothing to bring to the Lord. The very thing they used for sacrifices, grain and wine, were destroyed. The thing that gets me is that the Temple was destroyed too, so where were they supposed to present their offerings? God did NOT want them worshiping Him under every tree and on every hill.
God’s people were ‘in a world of hurt’ at this point. Which was by the hand of God to get them to come back to them. He was not giving up on them and He would use whatever means necessary to get their attention; including sorrow. They would be feeling a LOT of it for a time and in all walks of their lives.
God does whatever it takes to get out attention. Sometimes its blessings. Sometimes its miracles. And sometimes its HARD lessons. He DOESN’T give up on His people!
Father God, THANK YOU for NEVER giving up on me! Thank You for ALL Your blessings in my life. Thank You for ALL the lessons too. As hard as they were, are, or will be, they make me remember You and turn my heart back to You. I’m praying I’m not in a season of locust waves! The issues I’m dealing with now are scary but I KNOW You are in control. Give me wisdom in dealing with the people I need to and favor with the companies and agencies.